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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 414
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Chapter 414 Stay Out of It

After Madeline hung up on Noah, Albert told her that Quinn had entered a gated community. No access

was allowed without a residence card.

Her conversation with Thomas jumped into Madeline’s mind, and Madeline dialed Jacob’s number to

relay about the situation she had. The huge reward was an initiative for Jacob’s high efficiency as he

quickly hacked into the community’s security system.

Madeline and the others could enter the neighborhood without needing the access card.

Only, Madeline kept the hired guns outside the community and entered the area with Albert so as not to

raise suspicion.

Standing before a lift, Madeline gave Albert a look to see if he knew which floor they were supposed to

go to. Albert nodded and went into the lift to press the button for the 25th floor.

They had secured a tracking device on Quinn, and the geo-tracker was pretty advanced as it could

detect the exact location of the target.

Quinn was on the 26th floor, but they would get off on the 25th floor and take the stairs up for safety’s


In between, Madeline got a blueprint of the 26th floor from Jacob. She realized Quinn was in an

apartment of around three hundred square meters.

An apartment around this size in this location did not come cheap.

Through the blueprint, Madeline could be certain about one thing, and that was the perpetrator was

wealthy. Did the culprit have a personal grudge against her since the motive was not money?

Once they arrived at the location, Madeline saw four men in black watching outside the residence.

They were burly and armed. Facing them head-on was not the way to go.

Madeline led Albert back into the stairwell and intended to wait it out until the mastermind showed his

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Half an hour later, an alarm went off in the building.

“It’s the fire alarm,” Albert responded.

Madeline fixated on the door. It would be great if the building was on fire. At least, it would smoke these

people out.

“Ms. Grant, we must leave now.” There was a flurry of footsteps coming from upstairs. While the door

was open, only the security team came out from the apartment.

The guards looked around warily and were fast approaching Madeline and Albert.

Madeline and Albert would be in a tough spot as they were outnumbered.

“There are only two of them. Take care of them, and we’ll change into their clothes to sneak in.”

Madeline made a risky call.

Albert had always heeded Madeline’s commands. Although he hesitated for a moment, he did not

oppose the order. He swiftly prepared himself for a fight.

It was a pity that Madeline underestimated the pair’s strength. While the ambush and advanced

weapons gained Madeline and Albert the upper hand, they were quickly subdued in the face of

absolute power.

The hired guns, two meters in height, forced Madeline and Albert to a corner. If that was not enough,

the commotion attracted a lot of the security personnel here.

Madeline bit her lower lip in frustration, pacing herself to fight her opponents to the death. However,

Albert stood before her and fended off the two hired gun’s attacks with his flesh.

“Go!” Albert shouted at Madeline.

Without hesitation, Madeline jumped out of the window. A metal hook clawed into a wall, suspending

her weight in midair.

Albert’s flesh defense did not hold up for long as a guard showed up at the window not long after

Madeline’s jump. The man pulled out a dagger to cut the rope.

Madeline took a quick glance around, and all she saw were bare walls. She fell into despair as there

was nowhere to land.

She fixated on the dagger in the guard’s hand, praying that it was a regular knife that could not cut

through her specially-made rope. She was also calculating in her mind whether she could swing to the

nearby window and crash into the room before the rope was cut.

The possibility of the latter option was slim, so Madeline put her hope on the former. With enough time,

she would be able to make a safe landing on the ground.

Sometimes things were not meant to be. The dagger was clearly no ordinary blade. The guard was

inches away from cutting the whole rope in half.

Madeline swayed along the wind and slammed onto the wall.

She closed her eyes in despair, and as the guard was going for the final cut, she saw a familiar face

behind the guard. She was delighted.

Soon, the man at the window disappeared, and Noah’s grimacing face emerged.

“Hold still. Don’t move.” Noah quickly secured a rope and slid down from the window to reach her. He

deftly tied the rope around Madeline’s waist.

“Why are you here?” Madeline asked. For some reason, she could not face his chilly eyes.

Without answering Madeline, Noah pulled a long face and told his men to hoist Madeline up.

Once Madeline was back on the 26th floor, she went to check on Albert. Since Albert took quite a

beating, Madeline got him sent to the hospital right away.

In the meantime, she took notice of the apartment’s opened door. The guards outside the apartment

were gone. The only person next to Noah was Wayne, who had been missing in the picture for some


Madeline furrowed her brows in confusion. There were a few people heading her way when she

jumped out of the window.

Did they not run into Noah?

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Did Noah and Wayne drive the two hired guns away? The two men were competent fighters. How did

Noah and Wayne overcome them so quickly? They did not look like they had been in a fight either.

Madeline looked at Wayne and queried, “Where are the people inside the apartment?”

With a blank face, Wayne composedly answered, “They ran away.”

Madeline carried Albert up and paused in motion. She looked back at Noah, who was seething in rage,

and nodded at him without saying anything.

“Ms. Grant, let’s head back to the lab.” Albert could barely hold himself up.

Since the laboratory had everything they needed, it was a convenient place to look after Albert.

Madeline was down with the suggestion.

While on the way back, Madeline was reminded of the kids and asked, “Where are the kids?”

Noah said nothing but made his displeasure known on his face. Madeline turned to Wayne, and the

latter answered, “Mr. Quincy had the children brought to the laboratory.”

It was silent throughout the journey thereafter. Noah had a brooding look as if someone owed him the


When they arrived at the laboratory, Madeline got out of the car and said, “Thank you for earlier.”

“Sure.” Noah looked at her, waiting for her to carry on talking, but Madeline turned around and took off.

Clenching his fists, Noah caught up to her and grabbed her by the wrist. His voice was stern and

hoarse. “Do you know that you nearly lost your life back there?”

“So I thanked you for saving my life. You can be straight with me if you’re expecting a favor back. I

won’t shirk from my responsibility if the matter is within my means.”

The grip around her wrist tightened, nearly breaking her bone. Despite the pain, Madeline did not show

any expression on her face.

Noah looked her in the eye in an attempt to read her mind. Nevertheless, her eyes were clear and gave

him nothing to go on.

Feeling defeated, Noah loosened his grip. “Leave the matter to me, and you should stay out of it.”