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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 366 - Captured
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"John Fenix. I'm glad I finally get to meet you," Allfiend said to John. His aura pressed down on John with incredible power, making it so that he couldn't even move a muscle. "Or at least, I'm ninety percent certain you're John Fenix. I'll know the truth in a few seconds."

It was at this time that John knew Allfiend knew of his secret identity. It didn't matter how he knew, but the truth was that he knew.

Allfiend reached out towards John's face and ran his fingers across it, and his eyes lit up slightly upon doing so.

"So that's how you did it," Allfiend said as he suddenly pulled his hand back.


John's mask was torn off his face, causing him to cry out in pain.. The mask had been on his face for so long that it had even begun to fuse with his soul unknowingly. As such, it was also as if part of his soul was torn from his body, sending an excruciating wave of pain throughout his body.

With his mask removed, John's facial features returned to his true self, revealing himself for all to see.

"So this is what you truly look like?" Allfiend stated. "Quite handsome indeed. My son will do well piloting this body of yours."

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John grit his teeth as he stared at Allfiend, as he knew the time for excuses was over. It didn't matter how it happened, but his true self was revealed fully. Allfiend's words finally registered in John's mind, and he turned to look at the nearby Chase.

"Son?" John asked, his voice no more than a whisper.

Chase stared at John in silence, unsure of how to respond.

"You're Allfiend's son?" John repeated the question, with a louder, angrier voice this time.

"Yes," Chase finally replied. "But-"

John cut Chase off, his anger fully ignited. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted anyone from this sect, including you. Oh well, it doesn't really matter, it? seems I would have been caught with or without your interference anyways," John continued.

"I truly did try to help you escape, I swear," Chase replied, his face full of regret.

"This is so very touching, but we don't have time for this," Allfiend suddenly interrupted, growing tired of the conversation between the two boys.

John felt a power suddenly wrap around him, and his body transported suddenly, before his vision turned back to normal. He quickly pivoted his head in every direction, taking in the new scene before him, and his eyes opened wide as he did so.

John found himself standing on the center of a platform, several dozen yards across. The platform was circular, and had incredibly detailed formation runes carved into its surface. A few dozen yards away, Chase stood on an identical platform, also at its center.

The platforms seemed to be linked by exquisite formation runes carved between them, as if they were all part of the same formation. There were Elder's surrounding the two platforms, seemingly to operate the formation.

John spotted Elder Praxx amongst the Elder's, who stared at him with hate in his eyes.

"What the fuck is this?" John shouted out as he struggled to break free from the platform.

He flared out with his absolute power, seeking to at least free his arm to be able to crush the talisman so that Thunderzen could arrive. However, the power of the formation restricted him wholeheartedly, making it so that he couldn't not move anything other than his head.

Even his Qi was restricted, making it so that he was unable to retrieve his talisman from his palace realm and crush it.

"This?" Allfiend replied. "This is a formation I have prepared specifically for my son, to take his power to new heights so that he may ascend to the top of the martial world," Allfiend replied as he gestured towards Chase.

John looked over towards Chase, who seemed to be struggling to break free of the formation as well. However, just like John, he was unable to move even an inch. Realizing this, Chase looked towards his father, with hate and anger in his eyes.

"How many times have I told you, I don't want anything to do with these plans of yours, or you yourself!" Chase spat out angrily.

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Hearing those words, John was slightly taken aback, as Chase truly seemed to hate his father.

'It seems he truly was telling the truth, that he was not in on this. But that doesn't matter right now. The only thing that matters is getting out of this situation.'

"You say those words now, but you'll realize the error of your ways after this process is completed," Allfiend replied to Chase with a look of displeasure on his face. "It was a good try to help John escape, but I knew you would try something like that. Always a complete disappointment."

It seemed as if his son was truly starting to annoy him. Allfiend stared at his son for a little while longer before he moved towards where the Elder's were standing, and began some discussions that John could clearly overhear.

"Is the formation complete?" Allfiend asked one of the Elders.

"Yes. Formations Grandmaster Seera has already completed the formation. She completed it this morning, and has already left to return to the Divine Martial Continent. She left full instructions to us on how to operate the formation," the Elder replied.

"Good, then we may proceed with the first stage of our plans," Allfiend replied.

"What plans?" John called out angrily as he continued to struggle against his shackles. "Just what the fuck are you miserable bastards trying to do?"

Allfiend turned to John with a smile on his face, as if he enjoyed John's struggles. He walked up to John and stood before him, peering menacingly into his eyes.

"Since you're going to die soon, I might as well let you know what I have in plan, so that your death will be all the more miserable," Allfiend replied with a wicked smile plastered on his face.

"The plans are the destruction of the Honorable Alliance lands...including that pitiable little Fenix Clan of yours."