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Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 190 190 A New Blueprint
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Chapter 190 Chapter 190 A New Blueprint

There was a scene of jubilation all around and to the people of the Demonic Sword Sect who had come in here to kill and conquer, this current picture was absolutely nothing less than a tale of fancy.

"I did not expect for this war to end this way, Young Mistress. This is just too easy!" The Expert that loved to hide within shadows uttered in bewilderment.

If he did not know any better, he would have believed that the cultivators in this True Immortal Lineage Sect had all but prepared for years before their coming.

There were graceful dancers all around and a feast that could feed a million mouths and more were scattered all over the place.

Wine flowed like waters and the cheerful aura of the halls drastically contrasted to the truth that an exchange of ownership had already taken place just moments ago.

The Violent Flame Sect was now truly under the dictate of the Demonic Sword Sect. But it was unbelievable to see no crying faces at all.

"I guess they knew of Senior Blood Twin beforehand. That would be the only explanation that i could gather from what happened." Gu Wenren stated and took a sip at the wine on her hands.

She looked at the immovable man at the center table and this was of course no one else but the Blood Twin of our bored gamer.

There was only one other man beside him and Gu Wenren could only imagine the cultivation of this other man.

With the use of her spiritual sense, she witnessed two titanic power houses in them.

Gu Wenren even felt like drowning and gasping for air after only one second of trying to pry unto the secrets of the two.

This other man noticed what Gu Wenren did and his eyes pierced directly at her own. It was at this time when she had a close premonition of her imminent death.

Gu Wenren could have sworn that she was dead meat right then and there but alas, the heavy pressure went away as quickly as it had appeared.

The nameless Senior that represented the Violent Flame Sect merely smiled at her and nodded as if saying that all was well between them.

Gu Wenren also did her best to repay this smile with one of her own but it felt forced and awkward in the end.

"That was close." Gu Wenren whispered.

"Indeed, Young Mistress. And not very wise at all. But I think no one would try to offend us here, especially with Senior Blood Twin behind us.

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This sect could only bear it all in silence as we take everything from them today." A voice answered in the shadows.

"I hope so." Gu Wenren nodded in agreement. She paused for a moment or two before she continued...

"Is he perhaps the Founder of the Violent Flame Sect?" Gu Wenren asked and it was clear that she was referring to the unknown Expert who shared a table with Senior Blood Twin.

"I don't know, Young Mistress. But I'm sure that no matter who he is, that man could only be in the same cultivation realm as Senior Blood Twin.

The danger that I sense from them is equal in scale. I wonder though how much stronger Senior Blood Twin is compared to that expert at his side."

The Shadow gave his thoughts on the subject. Gu Wenren would have wanted to talk more but she was stopped by the huge and booming proclamation up front.

"Today, we offer our Violent Flame Sect's sincerity by giving our Ultimate Sect Treasure to the Demonic Sword Sect. May this item bring peace and prosperity to our people."

The unknown Senior said and brought forth a Mighty Flame into existence.

"FLASH!" All colors fled but only the shade of crimson remained true in all directions. Every mortal and cultivator both were stunned at the beauty they witnessed.

They were hooked in love and envy at the majesty that this singular shine has knocked upon their hearts.

Directly in front of the outreached palm of this nameless Senior laid an ancient wooden box.

It was halfway opened and from a mere little gap that was allowed to be, peeked a burning sleeping flame in existence.

There was a vivid premonition that flashed in everyone's mind that this little fire was absolutely capable of burning this whole world and more.

"This is the Violent Flame Sect's Ultimate Treasure! The Immortal Hungry Flames!" The unknown Senior closed the lid on the box and gave the treasure to Senior Blood Twin.

After that, the world returned to bring back all other colors in existence and there were people and walls once more around them.

What occurred from several breaths prior seemed like a dream but the reality of the situation could not have been more apparent right now.

All eyes were focused on one thing alone. At the ordinary box on the hands of a pretty aged man that was Senior Blood Twin.

"A very hot flame." Blood Twin murmured and his mouth moved all the same.

Without anyone knowing, our bored gamer's thoughts and voice bridged through the distance to grace this event in full.

It did not need saying that the real Blood Twin had no capacity of thought or speech for that matter.

In the end, Clark had to work once more even as he himself prided as one of the good audience in here. Nonetheless, he never complained since he was great at multitasking already.

"Take it." Blood Twin said and carelessly threw the box in one direction.

"THUD!" It landed on the able hands of one particular beautiful lady in the halls. This was none other than Gu Wenren of course.

"As you command, Senior Blood Twin!" Gu Wenren stood and bowed deeply towards their strong backer.

As for the box that contained the Immortal Hungry Flames, it was already kept safely inside the interspatial ring of Gu Wenren. Out and away from the greedy eyes of everyone around them.

"LET THE CELEBRATION BEGIN!" The nameless Senior of the Violent Flame Sect roared and a whole new bout of eating, dancing, and talking commenced.

It would not stop until the break of dawn the next day.

* * *

'At this rate, how fast do i have to wait for me to finish conquering all sects one by one, Nancy?' Clark asked towards his handy system.

It has been too long since he talked with Nancy and he was already missing the familiar soft voice of his partner in crime.

'You have to spend approximately 100,000 years, host.' Nancy replied swiftly.

'I see. I expected much longer.'

Our bored gamer thought and realized that Gu Wenren had completed getting the Violent Flame Sect in the bag by wasting an entire day of his life in consequence.

He knew that this number was certainly unacceptable simply because of the immense task at hand. One should know that this xianxia world consisted of thousands of continents.

And in those separate land masses, there were thousands if not more sects within its boundaries.

Thus if Gu Wenren continued to apply this pace on their quest, Clark would have to wait years and years before they finish.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


'There must be some other way!' Clark contemplated with total concentration in this one task.

He believed that in any problem, a solution existed if only he was determined to find and fight for it. Almost ten minutes passed until he finally stumbled on the beginnings of a plan.

A smile was easily hanging on his face right now. His divine sense scoured the entirety of this xianxia world and communicated his will to all those he wanted to hear him.

'Come and gather at the Holy Continent on the morrow. And don't forget to bring your Ultimate Sect Treasure with you. I would need them to make things official.

At least in the eyes of all mortals.' Clark grinned widely at the ingenuity of his idea. Why take one sect at a time when he could devour them all in a single swallow?

'If you happen to tarry, you don't need to come. I will go into your house and I will make sure that you will not live to regret this offense.'

Our bored gamer added after a pause and ended his decree unto all living True Immortals in this xianxia world.

Whether they come or not did not matter in the grand scheme of things after all. The choice was solely left in them to follow.

'Hehehe. With this solution, I doubt that it would take me more than a week to see its ending.' Clark whistled a happy tune and thought of more good things to come.

He was especially anticipating the day when he could get to win the deal that he made with Gu Wenren.

"Ahhh... This life is so epic!" Clark moaned audibly as he rolled on the bed like a child that was super excited with a gift for Christmas.

Although he perfectly orchestrated Gu Wenren's fall but it could not be said that he forced her to do anything she did not want to do.

She wanted to use him in the first place and now our avid gamer was also happy to use her back in the aftermath. An equal trade indeed!

'Soon. Very very soon!' Clark was thrilled for what was to come.

There was no doubt that Clark would have stayed drowning in happiness right then and there if not for a voice that purposely broke his revelry.

"You are having evil thoughts once again, Foul Creature. Cherish these days well... for it may be your last." Lin Che's cold voice rang in the confines of the room.

Clark turned motionless in an instant and remembered an urgent task that he needed to remedy as soon as possible.

"Why can't you just let me live in peace, Primal Warden? Do you really want to see your sisters suffer together with you?"

Our bored gamer rose from the bed and sported a rare evil smile towards Lin Che.