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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 770: The King And The Queen Of The Luminous Kingdom
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"The King arrived." David spoke, stepping forwards and kneeling before him. "My King, I'm glad you've made it in time."

"Ah, David, yes, sorry for being too late." The King said. "Hello everyone, is the banquet to your liking? Among these darker times, I wanted to create a happy atmosphere so we could relax, there has been a lot of work lately."

Surprisingly, the King of such a Kingdom was rather lax on his way of speaking. His appearance seemed youthful too, not older than thirty years of age. He had golden blonde hair and sharp blue eyes.

Accompanying him was a lady with long and silky silver hair, and sharp crimson eyes, wearing a gorgeous silver dress, she had a small crown over her head.

It must be Queen Camilla, I think.

Both came accompanied by a child too, which was silently walking by the side of his mother, with blonde hair and red eyes. The boy was curiously glancing everywhere in silence. He seemed well behaved.

"Your Majesty."

The nobles all paid respect despite how lax he talked, bowing down to him. Except us, we didn't bow down, he wasn't our King after all.

"You can stand up." He said, glancing at the nobles and then giving at us. "You must be Planta, isn't it? And these your companions, right?" He slowly walked towards us.

He was a rather tall and well-built man, yet he carried himself with elegance akin to a young lad.

His youthful face carried a handsome smile and relaxed eyes, but I could see that there was something deeper within his gaze.

A ruler in the making, for sure.

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"Yes, your majesty." I nodded. "And these are all my friends. Titan, Achlys, Lily, Jenny, Brisingra, Nieve, Acorn, Angelina, Gandalf, Anikitty, Erdrich, and Ambil."

"My name is King Luminous." He said. "But I suppose you must already know my name; it is nice to meet the heroes of my nation. This is my beloved queen, Camilla. Like you, she is a Player. And his is our beloved son, Gustav."

"It is nice to meet you guys." Camilla smiled. "I knew that Players had something to do with this, but to see people of this world as well, it is a pleasure to see both of our factions working together wonderfully."

"Indeed." King Luminous said.

"Wait… Player?!" All of us ended reacting like that after we started to think what we had just heard.

"Fufu, it is a bit surprising, right? But things are just like that. Despite our differences, our love broke through all barriers." Camilla smiled. "I-I hope you don't find it odd, seeing you've befriended many of the people of this beautiful world."

"Indeed." The King nodded. "Camilla to my Kingdom many years ago and saved us from a great menace. Despite her appearance of a delicate lady, she's incredibly strong."

"Fufu, dear, you're flattering me too much, you're also quite strong." Camilla giggled. "Gustav? Are you not going to talk to the guests? They're Players like mommy and you."

"E-Erm… Hi…" Gustav said, timidly.

"W-Wait- Ahem, I mean…" I was still shocked, thinking about everything. "Gustav is…?"

"He's the child between an inhabitant of this world and a player, yes." Camilla nodded. "He was born blessed with the abilities of a Player while being an inhabitant of Arcadia. Isn't it incredible? To think I gave birth to such a beautiful little angel." She gently kissed her son's cheeks.

"M-Mom! You're embarrassing me…!" Gustav complained.

This meant that the King of the Luminous Kingdom had married a Player?! And that's possible? I guess… I suppose it should be possible, yeah, but the System puts so many restrictions on people that it is a bit hard to consider.

I suppose Camilla somehow played in a way that allowed her to grow closer to the people, similarly to me. I guess I could hypothetically reach something similar with an Arcadia's inhabitant, if I wanted, not like I want though. I already have Mark.

But still, this is amazing… And she even had a child? So it is possible for our Avatars to even become pregnant and give birth! And not only that, but her son is also special.

He probably holds a similar authority than the honorary player titles my friends have.

It was all shocking nonetheless, and they seem so lovely together. I suppose the System lifts off limits as the Player and the inhabitant grow closer.

Well, after all, it works by consent. I do remember seeing a lot of other Players that get parties of NPC with them, and didn't Rita said her son had like three NPC girlfriends?

I suppose the most shocking thing is that a Player can get pregnant.

But when our body disappears as we log-off, how does that works? Where would the baby go? It's all… filled with mystery.

And she said… that she came here a couple of years ago? Their child seems to be at least eight years old despite how shy he looks.

That means she has been in here for at least eight years.

But BNLO… has only been active for three years, counting the Beta Testing Year where only a couple of Players played it.

This is… weird.

Who is Camilla really?

If she's a Player then it shouldn't be hard to check her basic Player Information, right?

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[Player Name]: [Camilla]

[Gender]: [Female]

[Title]: [Queen of the Luminous Kingdom]

[Guild]: [None]

[Guild Alliance]: [None]

[Fame]: [217]

[Race]: [Arcane Human: Lv280/300]

[Job Class]: [Blood Sorceress Queen: Lv280/300]

[This Player has already been registered as your Friend.]

Huh? She's already my friend? Her status seems quite… normal? I can't see anything weird with it. Arcane Humans are a usual type of human evolution for mages, and… Blood Magicians are interesting but nothing rare either, they're effective against monsters.

But she's… my friend? I don't remember ever adding someone like her, nor meeting her either! This is weird… It feels like I'm forgetting about something.

"Planta, I assume you've already seen my Status." Suddenly, Camilla's voice echoed inside of my mind. "Dear, it would be convenient for the two of us if you didn't say who I truly am to my husband…"

"Huh?!" Suddenly, I finally remembered. "B-Black Haze?!"

Camilla simply smiled and nodded.