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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 121 - 119: Night Attack On The Gato’s Village 2
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Rewind time a little, just after Lucien attacked the archers and Eleonora used the commotion created to quickly slip away.

Alex who was observing the battlefield discovered a group of archers in another location preparing to shoot Lucien down.

Grinning Alex Accel-ed and appeared in the middle of the group, startling the orcs who thought they were safe, one must know that, the difficulty of getting close to an archer corresponded to their weakness in close combat. Therefore, the moment they saw Alex appearing in the middle of them, they knew they were in trouble.

Alex brought Reaper, the knife Leena offered him on their date, and swung down. The Orc he was aiming for was split in two like a piece of bamboo. Without realizing what had happened, the body fell to the left and right separately. With a gusha~ sound, the freshly cut internals of the Orc spilled out of the body and splattered onto the ground.

Unbothered by the gory scene, Alex threw one of his Black Bettie's at one of the remaining orcs, and because everything happened so fast and the proximity of the orc to Alex, the latter died without being able to dodge the fast knife.

Alex kicked the ground and appeared in front of the last archer, and even though this orc archer was astonished why the death of his comrades, he did not falter as he hastily brought his bow in front of him intending to block Alex's strike and how could a crudely-made bow contend against Alex's almost godly weapon? 

Reaper cut through the bow and the orc archer like a knife cutting through butter, the orc's eyes opened wide as he was cut into two. 

Suddenly, Alex's Six senses kick in and without wasting his time he kicked off the ground enough to propulse himself into the air, he barely avoided the fate of being burned as a fireball landed on his previous location. 

Finally having a clear of who the culprit of the sudden attack was, Alex saw that it was Orc Mage dressed in a red robe with a cane pointed in his direction, Alex grinned and decided to finish the mage with Silveria because the latter was complaining nonstop about being left out. 

However Alex was about to summon Silveria, from the corner of his eyes he noticed his sister coming, she stopped when she saw the Orc Mage prepared another fireball's spell. 

Exchanging glances with each other without any words, they understood what the other wanted to convert. Chuckling Alex left, going towards another group of monsters, a mix of orcs and goblins. 

Meanwhile, Gracier who was facing the Orc Mage shot her fireball at the monster, the Orc Mage also shot its fireball, both fireballs clashed mid-air creating a big crimson explosion. 


The Orc Mage on the other side grinned, however, his grin turned into horror when he saw another fireball coming towards him at extremely fast speed. 

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Holding his staff with his two hands, the Orc Mage chanted a spell in what Gracier judged to be an Orc language. 

Immediately after the chant ended, a shield made of flame appeared right before the Orc Mage blocking Gracier's fireball. 


As the fireball clashed against the Fire shield, it created an explosion which almost broken the shield, however in the end the fire shield managed to last. 

The Orc Mage behind the shield couldn't help but have a smug expression on his face, however, he heard Gracier's mocking voice, 

''You should not celebrate too soon.'' 

Startled by Gracier's words, the Orc Mage tried to quickly cancel his Fire shield and turn around, however, he was a tad bit slower as numerous Fire arrows appeared behind him and sealing his fate as their went through his body leaving shared holes behind as the testimony of their passage. 

With a thud sound, the Orc Mage body fell to the ground, the monster died eyes filled with unwillingness, he didn't know how the Fire arrows appeared behind him.

What Gracier had done was pretty ingenious, as her fireball was dispersing after clashing against the Orc Mage Fire shield, some of the flames fell onto the ground, using those flames she created the Fire arrows without the need to chant the keywords (ie. Fire Arrow)

Sighing Gracier turned her face in Meera's to see the latter shooting Wind arrow after wind arrow, she was supporting Lucien, Sebastian, and Golfak to fight against a group of monsters (Orcs and Goblins). 

Meera's accuracy with the bow was frightening, she never missed a target, most of her hits were one-shot kill, when she doesn't kill, she simply injured the monsters and let Sebastian or Golfak finish the monster.

Gracier could hide how envious she felt at the moment seeing how beautiful Meera look when firing her bow and harvesting lives from afar, it was a truly beautiful sight to behold. 

''If only I can use a weapon like a bow.'' 

Gracier muttered as she advanced while burning poor goblins to crips, they could even cry before turning into ash.

[Oh? So you want to use a weapon, a bow like that Elf girl over there?] 

Suddenly, Gracier who was shooting fireball after fireball killing monsters, stopped when she heard a sudden voice in her head. 

[Is that you, Ignia?] Gracier asked because she remembered this voice, it belongs to that Fire Dragon Goddess with whom she contracted with.

Indeed as she thought, it was Ignia.

[Yes it's me, child. I asked you a question. Do you wish for a weapon?] 

To Ignia's question, Gracier immediately responded, [Yes, I do.] 

[Great, then why a bow, though?] Ignia asked curiously. 

[Well, simply because I do not fit for close combat and most importantly Big brother like close combat even when he has ranged type of weapon. I want to stay in the back with my fully drawn bow to defend him against anybody attacking his back. It is to watch his back.] Gracier explained.

Ignia in her flame dimension couldn't help but chuckle when she heard Gracier's words.

'What a good sister, you must take good care of her, Master of the Death Gun.' Ignia mumbled before deciding to help her host.

[Great, I shall bestow upon you a little present.] 

After hearing Ignia's words, Gracier felt a sudden warmth inside her body and Ignia's bracelet appeared around her wrist even without being summoned, Gracier was surprised, however, she did not have time to mull over the current as she heard Ignia next words. 

[Close your eyes and imagine a bow that would perfectly fit you. Then say 'Materialize.']

Nodding her head Gracier does as she was instructed, closing her eyes she imagined a perfect bow that could only fit her hand, she didn't want anything big, not too flashy, she wants something elegant and powerful. 

After what seemed to be an eternity, Gracier opened her beautiful red-eye and muttered, 


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Immediately, Ignia's bracelet around Gracier's wrist shined before transforming into a beautiful golden bow with flame acting as a string for the bow. 

Everybody stopped whatever they were doing and looked in Gracier's direction because when she materialized this bow, there was a huge pressure that descended on the battlefield accompanied by an increase in the temperature.

''What is that? Her Gift?" Golfak asked puzzled. 

''Probably,'' Lucien answered, Meera's eyes were drawn towards the beautiful golden bow. 

Meanwhile, Sebastian could not help but sigh thinking how unfair life could be, with her this bow, Sebastian knew he will last three seconds against her.

Alex on the other hand was staring dumbfoundedly at the golden bow in his sister's hand, he had never seen it before hence he couldn't help but be surprised.

'What's going here, Sil?' Alex raised a question.

〖Well, it's probably Ignia doing. She can transform into any weapon her user wanted to. For Gracier choosing a bow must be because she felt that with this type of weapon she can watch your back.〗Silveria explained.

'I see, that's good then. I'll protect her too.' Alex affirmed.

Meanwhile, Gracier was staring at the golden bow in her hand with shining eyes. 

[Thank you Ignia.] 

Hearing Gracier thanking her, Ignia chuckled before stopping talking, she was tired after the work she had just performed, normally Gracier couldn't be able to use Materialize at her current level, still, Ignia decided to make an exception and help her.

Finally turning her eyes into the monsters who seemed too afraid of the golden bow, Gracier muttered with a sadistic smile on her lips, she unsealed her left eye, golden eye and red eye pierced through the monsters bodied making them shudder in dread, the weak ones fall on their knees and as they started shaking.

''Time for a payback.'' the girl muttered, she readied her bow, and fire Arrow was created ready to be set free.

However, when she was planning to release her arrow in the direction of monsters who started to retreat due to fear, Gracier heard a sudden playful voice that came from her left. 

''Oh?! It seems that I'm missing some fun here.'' 

Naturally, it was Eleonora who appeared.