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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1945: Concocting
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?Emery entered the second exam room with a determined intent to secure a perfect mark. As he stepped inside, the sight of the 15 judges, a mix of masters and grandmasters, awaited him in a line. Alongside Grandmaster Hazard, another familiar face caught his attention—her friend, Karin, the prodigious apothecary who had earned her master title just the previous year. Her silent cheer conveyed hope for Emery's success in the upcoming trial.

Unlike the written exam, Emery felt a surge of confidence rather than anxiety.

As he observed the other participants embarking on the intricate process of concocting the tier 6 [Soul Strengthening Pill], his spirit reading ability allowed him to perceive the nuances of their actions. It was as if he could peer through the cauldron and witness the delicate dance of ingredients within, discerning each participant's technique and spotting any potential mistakes.

The room buzzed with focused concentration, each participant working diligently to create a pill that met the stringent criteria. The annoying noble managed to follow the recipe flawlessly, but none the other truly captured Emery's interest.

As the 15 participants took their turns in the practical exam, the air in the room became charged with a mix of tension and frustration. Among them were the unfortunate three whose concoctions had erupted dramatically, and an additional eight who faced disqualification for failing to meet the stringent 90% average requirement, even if they achieved a perfect score in the subsequent part of the exam. This meant that only four participants would progress to the next stage, heightening the sense of competition and anxiety among those who remained.

The disgruntled atmosphere gave rise to complaints from the failed participants.

"This is too hard!" one voiced out, echoing the sentiments of many. "Yes, 90% is too high, and this recipe is too difficult," chimed in another. The collective frustration reached a peak, with murmurs of discontent rippling through the room.

Before any of the judges could respond, Eugene Houten stepped forward, offering his perspective. "Fellow apothecaries... It is indeed challenging, but it's not something impossible. Let's put our trust in the judging panel." The weight of Eugene's words carried a certain authority, and his calm demeanor quelled the rising tide of complaints.

However, the judge panel seemed to pay little attention to Eugene's attempt as their attention shifted to the 16th participant, who appeared to be doing something unusual, injecting a sense of curiosity and intrigue into the room.

The 16th participant, a captivating dark-haired woman not much younger than Emery, stepped forward, drawing the attention of both participants and judges alike. To Emery's surprise, the woman had not yet attained the magus realm, yet she possessed a remarkable ability to intensify the cauldron's heat. Massive billows of steam emanated from the cauldron's openings, revealing an extraordinary manipulation of the flame within.

Through his spirit reading ability, Emery discerned that the flame burned at least three times hotter than normal, fueled by a purer form of spirit energy. This unique technique allowed her to refine the pill at an accelerated rate, producing a remarkably purified result. Emery marveled at the control and precision displayed in her unconventional approach.

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"How did she do that?" a voice whispered in the room, capturing the curiosity of participants and judges alike. Emery, eager to unravel the mystery, heightened his spirit sense, following the intricate flow of his spirit reading. Within her, he discovered a distinctive core scorching with flames, a rare and fascinating discovery that piqued Emery's interest.

As the 10-minute time limit elapsed, the finished pill emerged, radiant and gleaming like a pearl. The results astounded everyone present.

"99% excellent quality," announced the judging panel.

The attention shifted to the dark-haired woman, who, now the center of overwhelming interest, blushed shyly and gracefully returned to the participant lineup, leaving an indelible mark on the examination hall.

The extraordinary display by the dark-haired woman had triggered a profound insight within Emery. Unconsciously, he settled into a lotus position, entering a meditative trance.

Observing this, Eugene couldn't help but chuckle, remarking, "Huh... two crazy weirdos we are having this year."

As the 17th, 18th, and 19th participants attempted the task, their results proved dismal, all falling below the 80% mark. Finally, it was Emery's turn. Despite multiple calls, he remained deeply immersed in meditation, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings.

Impatient and convinced that Emery, labeled as a bottom-rank participant, would not succeed, Eugene stepped forward. "Honorable judges, I believe it's fair to disqualify this participant and proceed to the third part of the exam."

Before Grandmaster Odoro could respond, Grandmaster Hazard intervened, stating, "No, we will give him some time." Eugene found this decision irritating, suspecting some form of favoritism. "Why did Grandmaster Hazard wait for this trash? Is he perhaps the hidden master? No, not possible... he might be related to the grandmaster," Eugene speculated.

Growing increasingly convinced of unfairness, Eugene glanced at Grandmaster Odoro, silently urging him to address the situation. However, before any action could be taken, Emery stood up. With a gesture of respect, he spoke, "Thank you for waiting."

The room fell into a hushed anticipation as Emery prepared to showcase his approach to the challenging task.

Emery approached the cauldron with an air of confidence, ready to demonstrate his unique approach to the task at hand. To the astonishment of onlookers, he defied convention by placing all the ingredients into the cauldron simultaneously.

"Hahah, he really is just a fool!" Eugene couldn't resist commenting.

Undeterred by the skeptical comments, Emery remained focused on his goal. With a determination to achieve a perfect score, he harnessed the newly gained insight and approached the task differently; he utilized his spirit force to individually process each ingredient, maximizing their potency.

To further enhance the quality, Emery invoked his divine skill—


Unlike the conventional flame-based spirit force, Emery employed nature-based light elements to refine the ingredients. As each step unfolded, he meticulously consolidated the components, weaving them together into a harmonious blend.

Then came the pivotal moment when Emery channeled a massive amount of his spirit force to refine the pills. "Refined!" he declared, his voice echoing through the room.

The cauldron radiated with a profound brilliance, capturing the attention of all present. Emery's unconventional method had brought about a transformation, and the results were eagerly awaited.

Emery, driven by his profound understanding of the laws and a potent spirit force, continued the refining process with unwavering focus.

Two times, three times, four times.

Emery's skillful manipulation of the ingredients and his powerful spirit force demonstrated a mastery that captivated the onlookers. With three minutes remaining on the timeline, he sensed that the pill had achieved a state of perfection. Spectators marveled at the potent energy emanating from the cauldron.

However, just as Emery prepared to retrieve the pill, shock rippled through him. The cauldron, displaying visible cracks, suddenly exploded into fragments. The unexpected turn of events left everyone in suspense.

"Is it a failure?" murmured some participants, their anticipation mixed with curiosity. Hopeful eyes turned towards the wreckage, while others, like Eugene, wore a smug smile. "As I thought, barbaric without a brain!" he declared, convinced that Emery's unconventional approach had led to failure.

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As the smoke cleared, a collective gasp filled the room. Much to everyone's surprise, Emery had managed to prevent the pills from breaking apart. In a display of ingenuity, he harnessed the power of Khaos to create a separate energy that functioned as an improvised cauldron.

Determined to succeed, Emery decided to merge the two opposing energies, employing his profound comprehension of Dao to weave them together into the next refined layer.

"Refined!" Emery exclaimed triumphantly as he completed the intricate concoction.

To the amazement of onlookers, a mirror-like pills emerged, reflecting the sheer mastery demonstrated in their creation.

Eyes bulging and mouths agape, most of the masters had risen from their seats, entranced by the spectacle. Eugene, ever mindful of the time limit, reminded everyone of the 10-minute constraint, snapping them out of their mesmerized state.

The three grandmasters swiftly approached the pills, their expert eyes scrutinizing the results. After careful analysis, they collectively declared,

"98% excellent quality."

Emery observed the hairline cracks and imperfections on the pill, remnants of the earlier explosion.

The high number struck Eugene, and he couldn't help but express his irritation, scoffing at the effort. "All that trouble only to get 98%," he chuckled dismissively.

However, his amusement was short-lived as he noticed the three grandmasters still standing in amazement. Grandmaster Odoro soon addressed the gathering, unveiling a revelation that sent shockwaves through the room.

"This is not just an excellent 98% quality... but... it improved with 2 levels of originality,"

Grandmaster Odoro declared, causing a collective gasp among the onlookers. The realization dawned that a 98% quality with 2 originality meant approximately 140% potency, elevating the pill to a low-grade tier 8 product. The sheer magnitude of this revelation left everyone stunned.

Grandmaster Hazard, breaking the silence, remarked with a hint of satisfaction,

"I guess we have the winner of this round."