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Her Twin Pregnancy Turned The CEO Into A Wife Aholic

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 The Tide Turns When Emily became the focus of attention, Charles and Mia, who were not far away, noticed her and

looked over. Henry and Beth also heard what the guests were gossiping about. They walked over

together. Beth and Henry looked a little embarrassed. Mia walked up to her and pretended to be all

friendly, “Sister, you are here. I thought you were not coming. I am really happy that you can come to

my wedding with Charles.” As she said that, she held Emily’s hand and smiled. Emily sneered and felt

disgusted. Especially since next to Mia, stood Charles. If Mia really cared about her, she would not

have snatched Charles away.

Emily looked at him, meeting his eyes.

The good-looking man stared at her. His gaze was filled with complicated emotions, but only for a

moment. Then his face was blank.

She looked at this familiar face and her heart was in turmoil.

Charles opened his mouth and greeted her. “Emily, long time no see. Thank you for coming to my

wedding with Mia.” His cold and distant tone stung her heart. Emily turned her head and laughed at

herself. She thought that she would not have any feelings for him. But at this moment, after hearing his

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words, she felt so foolish. Because she realized, that for the past 6 years, she was still holding out a

glimmer of hope for him.

She had wondered if he had some hidden reasons for doing what he did.

Now, it seemed that he had voluntarily abandoned her for Mia. That was the raw truth.

She could not help but pull her hand back with great force. Mia staggered and almost fell. Charles

hurriedly supported her. “Mia, are you alright?” He looked down at her and frowned nervously. His voice

was full of concern. Mia was also a little stunned. She forced a smile and apologized, “I’m sorry, sister. I

was too excited.” She smiled awkwardly and reluctantly as if Emily had bullied her. Immediately, the

guests began to gossip again. The guests pointed at Emily and talked about how rude she was. Emily

looked at Mia coldly and was quite disgusted. Mia truly played the part of the victim well. Ignoring the

pointed voices of the crowd, Emily crossed her arms and said bluntly, “You misunderstood. I came

today not to attend your wedding, but to take back my mother’s necklace. Once I get it, I’ll be gone.”

Then, she coldly retracted her gaze and ignored Mia. Mia was a little embarrassed and was about to

say something, but she stopped. Charles sighed and held Mia’s hand tightly, comforting her silently.

Emily turned to look at William, her attitude cold. “Give me the thing I came for.”

She had no need to waste her good manners on these people.

With so many people watching, William also felt a little embarrassed. He pursed his lips.

He couldn’t believe that Emily was going to make a scene and embarrass him in public like this. He

reprimanded, “Your sister is so happy to see you and even came out to greet you. Look at how you are

behaving!” Emma looked at the situation and stood beside him, adding a oil to the fire. “Yes, Emily.

Why are you in such a hurry to leave on such a wonderful day? Since you’ve come, at least have some


The more they acted magnanimous, the more unfavorable the situation was for Emily. Emily did not

respond to their requests, she only insisted, “Give it to me.” Mia glanced at the guests who were

discussing among themselves.

She smiled sinisterly and put on a sad expression as she spoke.

“Sister, are you still unable to let go of Charles? I know that you feel sad today, on our wedding day.

However, it has already been so long. It has been so hard for Charles to recover from what happened.

Can’t you give us your blessing?” There were tears in her eyes, and her voice was a little choked up,

which made the other guests pity her. As an actress, this was no trouble for Mia. Without waiting for

Emily to respond, she continued, “All these years, you were away

from the family, I was very worried about you. I even begged Dad to let you come back. This time,

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since you are back, please stay.” Her tears turned into smiles, and she looked so considerate and kind.

Charles couldn’t bear it and pulled her into his arms. “Mia…” He glared angrily at Emily. Emily looked at

them coldly. Mia was really good at acting. Her acting skills were getting better and better. Mia’s words

implied that it was Emily who had done an ugly thing and betrayed Charles. She was deliberately

emphasizing things to further damage Emily’s reputation. Mia had cast herself as the considerate and

gentle sister. What a good method. Emily could imagine what everyone else watching thought of her.

She turned around and sure enough, everyone was looking at her with disgust. “A person like her is

worthy of being the elder miss of the Armstrong family? If I were Young Master Johnson, I would

definitely want the second Miss Armstrong too.” The guests in the front row looked at her with disdain.

“The second Miss Armstrong is so gentle, unlike her, who is like a shrew.”

A woman mocked her loudly, so Emily was sure to hear it.

The tide had turned completely against Emily. “I still have to congratulate Young Master Johnson for

breaking away from such a horrible woman. If he had married her, it would be a misfortune for his


A young man acted exaggeratedly, pretending to vomit. Emily looked hatefully at Mia, William, and

Emma. The people who had forced her into this situation.

The ones who were meant to be her family!

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