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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 216: The Black Flame Hero
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<Goddess Vysis POV>

[———-I’ve been waiting for this, Heroic Sword.]

The long-awaited news from the magical war pigeon arrived in the hands of the Goddess of Alion.

For a long time, Vysis had the Heroic Sword search the area she had her eyes on.

They weren’t able to find it for a long time, but it seems like they’ve found it.

[The Faraway Country…… Fufu, with this, it would be the end of the survivors of the Forbidden Race. It seems like today will be a good day for me.

Instructing her subordinates, Vysis had them call someone.

Soon after, the person she called for arrived in Vysis’ room.

[You want me to go to the west?]

Tomohiro Yasu.

The finger that was amputated in the last battle was healed with her <Heal>.

It’s fortunate that he didn’t fall asleep for a long time.

[Yes, I actually have a very, very important mission for you.]

[An important mission? The army of the Great Demon Emperor still wasn’t decimated yet. I must fulfill my revenge on the Great Demon Emperor……! And yet, you want me to go west!? Leave such a task to Ayaka and her cronies! This an ill-fitting mission for someone of my stature!]

[Hmm—, is that so?]

A vein popped out of Yasu’s forehead.

His face was full of anger.


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[As a matter of fact…… Ummm, this will just be between you and me, okay?]


Vysis bent forward with a mysterious look on her face.

The serious expression on her face seemed to have piqued Yasu’s interest.

[This mission is actually more important than defeating the Great Demon Emperor.]

[……What did you just say?]

His voice lowering to a whisper, Yasu’s expression changed.

[I thought about asking the other heroes for this but…… To my regret, I didn’t know much I could entrust them……]

Letting out a sigh, Vysis puts her hand over Yasu’s.

[However——— I think I can trust Yasu-san.]

[……That’s what you meant huh.]

Yasu has a serious expression on his face.

However, he can’t completely hide the slacking in his cheeks.

[Very well. This must be an impossible task for Kirihara and Hijiri, isn’t it?]

[As Yasu-san may have known, the S-Rank people, ummm——– All of them were just people who don’t know how to fight with their heads, aren’t they?]


[On that note, Yasu-san may be an A-Rank, but you’re a smart person. I don’t think I could entrust this mission to a person that isn’t like that. I don’t have——— anyone I could trust but you.]


It could be clearly seen that Yasu was deeply moved.

However, Vysis doesn’t even bother to notice it and speaks.

[It’s no exaggeration to say that this top-secret mission will determine the future of this country…… No, by extension, it will also determine the fate of the world. Can I request this of you?]

Yasu snorted in response.

[If that’s the case, it couldn’t be helped. If it’s something only I can do, it can’t be helped then, I will do it……]

A smile appeared on Vysis’ lips.

[Just as I expected. I knew I could count on Yasu-san.]

After Yasu left, Vysis told her subordinate to call the captain of the Sixth Cavalry.

[What a single-minded person he is———– So simple-minded that he sometimes looks pathetic, but well, he’s so easy to handle.]

Vysis’s gaze shifts over a stack of papers.

There are piles of things that she needs to process.

Since the advent of the Great Demon Emperor, the duties that the Goddess needs to be done has significantly increased.

Ultimately, Vysis doesn’t trust others.

The short-lived humans particularly are beings that couldn’t be trusted.

Their short life itself is proof of their stupidity.

For them to be smart———- their lifespan is just too, too short.

[Foolish humans.]

“Ara, oh no, this won’t do”, Vysis puts her hand over her mouth.

Thereupon, a smile appeared on Vysis’ lips again as she picked up a pen.

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A few days ago, Tomohiro Yasu and the Sixth Cavalry had departed from Alion.

Vysis was performing her duties that day in her room as usual.

At that moment……

[Vysis-sama, please excuse my intrusion!]

With an unusual look on the man’s face, he jumped into the room.

Lifting her gaze away from the documents in her hand, Vysis turned towards him.

The one who entered was one of her subordinates.

[Ara ara…… For what reason did you rush into the room without asking for permission? Errr…… Perhaps, was it because the Great Demon Emperor’s army had made some kind of move? Fumu, so they’ve already reorganized their troops huh. Hnn, how troubling…… Really, the Root of All Evil of this time is quite a handful——–]

[T- That’s not it!]

[? The news isn’t related to the Great Demon Emperor’s army? Then, what is it about?]

[T- The Mad Emperor———-]

Catching his breath once, still unable to hide his surprise, the subordinate continued.

[The Mira Empire has declared war on our Alion!]



<Author’s Notes>

This concludes Volume 6. Thank you for staying with me until the end of Volume 6.

From the return to the Witch’s home and their departure, the main part of Volume 6 was the battle against the Heroic Sword, but the last part ended with the Goddess’ point of view.

If they were to deal with the Great Demon Emperor in the north and the Mad Emperor in the west, I guess Alion may have to deal with both sides at the same time. In addition, Yasu, who is heading west with the Sixth Cavalry, Hijiri, who seems to be working behind the scenes, and Touka, who is finally going to the Faraway Country where the Forbidden Race are said to live…… And so, in Volume 7, we’re going to see some more movement in various places.

It will take some time for me to write Volume 7 again, and I think we’ll start with the customary Intermission Chapter in between each volume. The date for the start of Volume 7 will also be announced when I update the Intermission Chapter.

And thus, thank you to everyone who gave me feedback, reviews, bookmarks, and rating points during the series of six volumes. The number of reviews now stands at 59, which is a pleasant surprise, partly because I didn’t expect to receive so many. Speaking of pleasant surprises, I noticed that I had crossed the 320,000…… I didn’t expect so many people to have read this series when it was first published, so I was quite surprised. I would also like to thank those who quietly bookmarked or dropped a point for me.

It’s quite a struggle to write these days (well, it’s always been that way), but somehow, I’m able to write with your support in various forms, like the positive feedback I received. Once again, I feel that my work is supported by everyone. Thank you again for everyone’s support.

Well then, I’ll be seeing everyone again in Volume 7. Thank you for your consistent support.