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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2100
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The sharp and icy sword energy pierced his body, splattering blood all over Ye Yuyan.

While everyone watched in horror, the massive body collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud.

A gaping and bloody hole emerged on his chest.

Ye Yuyan stood there, paralyzed by shock. The splatters of blood at the side of her eyes dripped down

like droplets of rain.

“Grandpa!” At the same time, an ear-splitting shriek sounded at the back of the crowd.

Zhang Zixi, the eldest daughter of the Zhang family from Jiangbei, sprinted toward her grandfather like

a mad woman.

Sorrow filled her eyes as tears flowed down her delicate face endlessly.

There was nothing more agonizing in the world than watching a loved one collapse in front of one's

own eyes.

Zhang Zixi had been with her grandfather since young and everything she knew was taught by him.

Zhang Jiuling was Zhang Zixi's entire world. She used to think that she could keep living with her

grandfather forever—he would watch her get married, start a family and bear a great-grandchild for


Why is this happening? Is Grandpa going to die on Mount Yunding before he even sees me get


“Ms. Zhang, you can't go over... You can't...”

The martial artists of Jiangbei held Zhang Zixi back with all their might.

Since Chu Qitian was there, Zhang Zixi would be sending herself to her own death if she went over. Far

from being of any help, she would instead sacrifice her own life.

“Let go of me! Let go of me!” screamed Zhang Zixi, her miserable voice resonating throughout the

entire Mount Yunding.

That was the harsh reality of war—one filled with cruelty and bloodshed.

The transition between life and death could happen in the blink of an eye.

Even someone like Ye Qingtian would struggle to survive in such a vicious war.

If that was the case for people at the peak of power, those insignificant and powerless figures would be

even more helpless.

“What an idiot. Get lost!”

Chu Qitian was outraged when he saw that his attack was blocked by someone.

He kicked Zhang Jiuling, who was covered in blood, aside.

This hero, who had ruled Jiangbei for his entire life, was not even worthy enough for Chu Qitian to cast

a single glance at him.

In fact, he couldn't even be bothered to know Zhang Jiuling's name.

Yet, immediately after Chu Qitian kicked Zhang Jiuling aside, the latter crawled over and gripped the

former forcefully despite his severe injuries.

Chu Qitian was infuriated.

I didn't expect this old man to be so stubborn. He still dares to block my path despite being seriously


In a fit of rage, Chu Qitian landed countless violent kicks on the old man.

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Thud! Thud! Thud!

Despite the blood spurting out of his mouth, Zhang Jiuling refused to let go.

“Mr. Zhang...”

Tears streamed down Ye Yuyan's cheeks as she watched on, her pretty face filled with shock.

“Quick... Bring Mr. Chu's son away now...” said Zhang Jiuling hoarsely.

Only then did Ye Yuyan return to her senses.

Biting her lower lip, she no longer had time to care about Zhang Jiuling's situation. She spun around

with Chu Lin in her arms and continued running.

“Are you leaving?”

There was no way Chu Qitian would let them leave.

Although Zhang Jiuling was grabbing onto his legs, his hands were free to move.

He mustered his strength and concentrated his Qi on his palm.

Then, he sent an aggressive attack in Ye Yuyan's direction.

“Let's see who can save you this time!”

An evil smirk played on Chu Qitian's lips.

The attack, charged with endless power, streaked forward rapidly and engulfed the entire place with its

terrifying force.

“I'm still here!” A furious bellow suddenly rang out.

Another figure rushed out from the battlefield at the back. He raised his sword with unwavering


Despite being covered head to toe in blood, a defiant look blazed in his eyes.

His resolute words boomed across Mount Yunding.

Shortly afterward, he charged forward with a sword in his hand and a golden glint flashing across his

eyes. It seemed like lightning was surging through his body.

Golden bolts of lightning crackled all over his sword.

“This is... This is the Lightning Maneuver!”

When everyone saw Lu Ziming's strange demeanor, they were taken aback.

“Did he manage to master the Lightning Maneuver?”

“How is that possible?”

“I thought that Mortal Spark didn't finish writing about the Lightning Maneuver?”

Everyone was astonished.

The technique that Lu Ziming was currently using was none other than the Lightning Maneuver, which

Ye Fan had posted in the forum.

Although he did not finish publishing it on the forum, Ye Fan had taught Lu Ziming the technique

personally when he was in Jiangbei.

Lu Ziming was using it at this critical juncture.


The sword hummed with the Power of Lightning and clashed ferociously with Chu Qitian's attack.

However, there was a huge difference between their powers.

Despite having Ye Fan's guidance, all Lu Ziming could do was block Chu Qitian's attack momentarily.

A loud buzzing sound rang out in the next moment as the sword in Lu Ziming's hand cracked.

After shattering Lu Ziming's sword, the attack did not diminish in strength at all and landed on his body


His ribs cracked as blood sprayed into the air.

He grunted in pain and was sent flying away and crashing onto the ground harshly.

Luckily, the Lightning Maneuver that Ye Fan had taught him was able to strengthen his body.

Even after suffering that heavy blow, Lu Ziming got back to his feet quickly.

He spat the blood out of his mouth and stood in front of Chu Qitian.

“Don't even think about killing Mr. Chu's son! I owe Mr. Chu a huge favor. You'll have to step over my

dead body before you can harm a single hair on his son's head!” yelled Lu Ziming through gritted teeth.

Although his opponent wos undefeotoble ond wos one of the most powerful people in the mortiol orts

world, Lu Ziming wos feorless.

All he could feel wos unwovering foith ond determinotion.

“He's Chu Tionfon's son? Hohoho!” Chu Qition suddenly burst out loughing.

“I wos wondering who is thot brot! Thonk you for telling me thot he's Chu Tionfon's son. If thot's the

cose, oll the more reoson he must die!”

Wielding on even stronger murderous intent, Chu Qition chorged forword while unleoshing o borroge of

fotol ottocks.

However, Zhong Jiuling ond Lu Ziming blocked everything.

Meonwhile, Zhong Jiuling hod olreody collopsed on the ground, with blood covering his body ond zero

strength left within him.

As for Lu Ziming, even though one of his orms wos broken, he still stood up resiliently.

“D*mn you! Both of you reolly wont to die, huh? Whot's so greot obout Chu Tionfon thot you'd socrifice

your life for him?”

Chu Qition wos extremely onnoyed.

Although those two men were not powerful, they were like irritoting pests. No motter how bodly he beot

them up, they refused to give up ond insisted on getting in his woy.

“M-Mr. Chu hos helped m-me ond the notion o lot... W-We've olreody let him down once. We must not

let him down onother time,” spot Lu Ziming through clenched jows.

Every time he opened his mouth, blood dribbled down his lips.

“Fine! If thot's the cose, I'll fulfill your wish!”

Chu Qition hod completely lost his potience. When he stomped on the ground, two blodes flew up.

Under Chu Qition's control, the blodes flew toword Lu Ziming viciously.

When the people of Jiongdong sow thot from ofor, they screomed ot the top of their lungs, “Dodge thot,

Mr. Lu!”

However, Lu Ziming stored ot the blodes zooming toword him feorlessly.

Insteod of dodging, he spreod out his orms ond blocked the blodes with his body.

He knew thot if he hod dodged, Ye Fon's son, who wos behind him, would be in donger.

With o foint smile on his lips, he prepored to withstond the ottocks from the blodes.

“Mr. Chu, I'm sorry... We... We've reolly tried our best...”


The shorp blodes stobbed Lu Ziming's body, piercing through it in on instont.

Scorlet blood splottered oll over the oreo, momentorily dyeing the oir oround it red.

Unbeknownst to everyone, there wos o humon ond o dog ot the for end of the horizon. They were

sprinting toword Lu Ziming's direction so ropidly thot their figures morphed into o blur.

In foct, it wos not just two figures.

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From o further distonce, one would reolize thot there were thousonds of people hurrying over so quickly

thot their figures seemed like streoks of light.

It wos like o tsunomi!

Although his opponent was undefeatable and was one of the most powerful people in the martial arts

world, Lu Ziming was fearless.

All he could feel was unwavering faith and determination.

“He's Chu Tianfan's son? Hahaha!” Chu Qitian suddenly burst out laughing.

“I was wondering who is that brat! Thank you for telling me that he's Chu Tianfan's son. If that's the

case, all the more reason he must die!”

Wielding an even stronger murderous intent, Chu Qitian charged forward while unleashing a barrage of

fatal attacks.

However, Zhang Jiuling and Lu Ziming blocked everything.

Meanwhile, Zhang Jiuling had already collapsed on the ground, with blood covering his body and zero

strength left within him.

As for Lu Ziming, even though one of his arms was broken, he still stood up resiliently.

“D*mn you! Both of you really want to die, huh? What's so great about Chu Tianfan that you'd sacrifice

your life for him?”

Chu Qitian was extremely annoyed.

Although those two men were not powerful, they were like irritating pests. No matter how badly he beat

them up, they refused to give up and insisted on getting in his way.

“M-Mr. Chu has helped m-me and the nation a lot... W-We've already let him down once. We must not

let him down another time,” spat Lu Ziming through clenched jaws.

Every time he opened his mouth, blood dribbled down his lips.

“Fine! If that's the case, I'll fulfill your wish!”

Chu Qitian had completely lost his patience. When he stomped on the ground, two blades flew up.

Under Chu Qitian's control, the blades flew toward Lu Ziming viciously.

When the people of Jiangdong saw that from afar, they screamed at the top of their lungs, “Dodge that,

Mr. Lu!”

However, Lu Ziming stared at the blades zooming toward him fearlessly.

Instead of dodging, he spread out his arms and blocked the blades with his body.

He knew that if he had dodged, Ye Fan's son, who was behind him, would be in danger.

With a faint smile on his lips, he prepared to withstand the attacks from the blades.

“Mr. Chu, I'm sorry... We... We've really tried our best...”


The sharp blades stabbed Lu Ziming's body, piercing through it in an instant.

Scarlet blood splattered all over the area, momentarily dyeing the air around it red.

Unbeknownst to everyone, there was a human and a dog at the far end of the horizon. They were

sprinting toward Lu Ziming's direction so rapidly that their figures morphed into a blur.

In fact, it was not just two figures.

From a further distance, one would realize that there were thousands of people hurrying over so quickly

that their figures seemed like streaks of light.

It was like a tsunami!