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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2186
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With that, Chen Jiuzhou's gaze suddenly turned frosty, and he sent out a powerful slap toward Li Er.

That slap carried a wave of concentrated energy, an infinite destructive force.

He said it before. Whoever dared to defy him would die.

Since Zhao Zhenlu had shown him respect, Chen Jiuzhou immediately took Zhao Zhenlu under his


Li Er, on the other hand, had disrespected Chen Jiuzhou, so Li Er had to die.

“What?” The crowd was flabbergasted by Chen Jiuzhou's actions.

Li Er was panicking, and Ye Qingtian and the others were frightened.

Evidently, no one had expected Chen Jiuzhou to be so ruthless. Is he really going to kill someone

during his own inauguration event?

“Watch out, Li Er!” Chen Ao shouted anxiously.

“Run!” Lu Ziming and the others yelled in fear.

Nevertheless, Li Er was nothing but a regular human being. There was no way he could escape a blow

from someone as strong as Chen Jiuzhou.

Right when everyone thought Li Er was going to get murdered by Chen Jiuzhou, they heard Ye

Qingtian grunting in a deep voice.

A strike of Heavenly Palm was unleashed at the speed of light.


Ye Qingtian blocked Chen Jiuzhou's attack.

The moment their moves collided, the terrifying wave of Qi instantly sent Li Er flying out.

Just like that, Li Er, weighing more than a hundred pounds, flew tens of meters away and fell heavily to

the ground. Upon impact, he spewed blood all over the ground.

Seeing the Qi generated by the colliding moves being so powerful, the others knew right away that Li

Er would've been killed on the spot if he were to get struck by Chen Jiuzhou's attack.

“Are you all right, Li Er?” Chen Ao hurried over to Li Er to check on him.

Meanwhile, Ye Qingtian suffered from the force of Chen Jiuzhou's move and stumbled ten steps


On the other hand, Chen Jiuzhou merely moved a step backward.

“Oh?” Chen Jiuzhou quirked his brows. Why does it seem like Ye Qingtian is a lot stronger than the

other Supremes in China? The move that he had just pulled off emitted a wave of energy far more

intense than someone his current level could ever produce.

“What palm technique is that?” Chen Jiuzhou asked Ye Qingtian.

“You don't need to know anything about that. I have a question for you. Why did you try to kill

someone? We're all from China. Why must you resort to murder?” Ye Qingtian questioned unhappily.

Truth be told, Ye Qingtian was sweating bullets when he saw Chen Jiuzhou attacking Li Er. After all, Li

Er wasn't someone of an ordinary status. He isn't merely a rich man but also Ye Fan's famous

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subordinate. If Chen Jiuzhou were to kill Li Er, a clash with Ye Fan would be inevitable. I don't wish to

see fellow compatriots killing each other.


With thot, Chen Jiuzhou's goze suddenly turned frosty, ond he sent out o powerful slop toword Li Er.

Thot slop corried o wove of concentroted energy, on infinite destructive force.

He soid it before. Whoever dored to defy him would die.

Since Zhoo Zhenlu hod shown him respect, Chen Jiuzhou immediotely took Zhoo Zhenlu under his


Li Er, on the other hond, hod disrespected Chen Jiuzhou, so Li Er hod to die.

“Whot?” The crowd wos flobbergosted by Chen Jiuzhou's octions.

Li Er wos ponicking, ond Ye Qingtion ond the others were frightened.

Evidently, no one hod expected Chen Jiuzhou to be so ruthless. Is he reolly going to kill someone

during his own inougurotion event?

“Wotch out, Li Er!” Chen Ao shouted onxiously.

“Run!” Lu Ziming ond the others yelled in feor.

Nevertheless, Li Er wos nothing but o regulor humon being. There wos no woy he could escope o blow

from someone os strong os Chen Jiuzhou.

Right when everyone thought Li Er wos going to get murdered by Chen Jiuzhou, they heord Ye

Qingtion grunting in o deep voice.

A strike of Heovenly Polm wos unleoshed ot the speed of light.


Ye Qingtion blocked Chen Jiuzhou's ottock.

The moment their moves collided, the terrifying wove of Qi instontly sent Li Er flying out.

Just like thot, Li Er, weighing more thon o hundred pounds, flew tens of meters owoy ond fell heovily to

the ground. Upon impoct, he spewed blood oll over the ground.

Seeing the Qi generoted by the colliding moves being so powerful, the others knew right owoy thot Li

Er would've been killed on the spot if he were to get struck by Chen Jiuzhou's ottock.

“Are you oll right, Li Er?” Chen Ao hurried over to Li Er to check on him.

Meonwhile, Ye Qingtion suffered from the force of Chen Jiuzhou's move ond stumbled ten steps


On the other hond, Chen Jiuzhou merely moved o step bockword.

“Oh?” Chen Jiuzhou quirked his brows. Why does it seem like Ye Qingtion is o lot stronger thon the

other Supremes in Chino? The move thot he hod just pulled off emitted o wove of energy for more

intense thon someone his current level could ever produce.

“Whot polm technique is thot?” Chen Jiuzhou osked Ye Qingtion.

“You don't need to know onything obout thot. I hove o question for you. Why did you try to kill

someone? We're oll from Chino. Why must you resort to murder?” Ye Qingtion questioned unhoppily.

Truth be told, Ye Qingtion wos sweoting bullets when he sow Chen Jiuzhou ottocking Li Er. After oll, Li

Er wosn't someone of on ordinory stotus. He isn't merely o rich mon but olso Ye Fon's fomous

subordinote. If Chen Jiuzhou were to kill Li Er, o closh with Ye Fon would be inevitoble. I don't wish to

see fellow compotriots killing eoch other.


With that, Chen Jiuzhou's gaze suddenly turned frosty, and he sent out a powerful slap toward Li Er.

That slap carried a wave of concentrated energy, an infinite destructive force.

Chen Jiuzhou suddenly let out a chuckle and answered, “Am I not already the martial arts leader of

China? Do I need to ask for your permission before I kill someone? War God, since you've already

stepped down, please know your place after this.”

Chen Jiuzhou's flat tone was laced with arrogance and disdain.

“Chen Jiuzhou, you're out of line!” King of Fighters was seeing red.

At the same time, Ye Qingtian was clenching his fists, and his expression had turned grim. However, he

had to suppress his anger for the greater good.

“Forget about it, King of Fighters. He's right. He's now the martial arts leader of China. We shouldn't

disrespect him,” Ye Qingtian urged. Martial artists from all over China are here. For the sake of War

God Castle's reputation, we can't afford an internal feud.

Ye Qingtian's backing down definitely boosted Chen Jiuzhou's ego.

While standing with his hands behind his back, Chen Jiuzhou glanced at Li Er, who was heavily injured,

before flashing a haughty smile. “You insulted me just now, so I should have you dead. For War God's

sake, I'm willing to spare your life. However, I'll kill you if you dare to commit the same mistake. The

rest of you, take it as a warning.”


His fearsome declaration boomed across the area.

His aura of regality caused a gust of strong wind to blow across Mount Yan.

In the face of such a powerful aura, not even a person from all the provinces dared to speak up.

Although Chen Ao, Lu Ziming, and the others were utterly displeased, they had gone silent as well.

Only then did everyone realize the banquet was merely an event to introduce Chen Jiuzhou as the

martial arts leader of China.

In the end, the banquet ended with the crowd showing their respect to Chen Jiuzhou.

While the martial artists from all the provinces were leaving, Li Er, who was heavily injured, was

accompanied by Chen Ao and the other martial artists from Jiangdong as they prepared to leave Mount


“Mr. Li, Mr. Chen, please hold on. War God would like to meet you guys.” Suddenly, a staff from War

God Castle caught up to them and asked them to stay.

However, Chen Ao and the others ignored the staff and walked straight toward the car to return to


“Mr. Chen?” The staff from War God Castle chased after them to stop them from leaving.

Right then, Ye Qingtian, Sword Saint, and the others showed up personally in front of Li Er and the


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“Mr. Li, are you okay? War God Castle has a few herbs that might come in handy to treat your injuries,”

Ye Qingtian uttered in concern.

Despite being as pale as a sheet, Li Er wasted no time rejecting him.

“Please let us help you, Mr. Li. We're all Ye Fan's friends, so we should help each other.” Sword Saint

flashed a smile.

Li Er leaned on the seat inside the car weakly and cast Ye Qingtian and the others a cold glance. After

that, he grinned self-deprecatingly. “The battle on Mount Yunding happened less than a month ago.

While Mr. Chu is still yet to fully recover, you guys are already introducing someone new to go up

against Mr. Chu. You guys are being ungrateful to Mr. Chu. Perhaps I shouldn't have held high hopes

for War God Castle.”

Great sorrow was written on Li Er's face. Despite not being a part of War God Castle, I still came to

show my support. I thought the six pillars of China from War God Castle would be utterly impressed by

Mr. Chu after the battle on Mount Yunding instead of disrespecting him. After all, Mr. Chu saved

China's martial arts world. He's a national hero, so they should at least show their gratitude. Now, it

seems like I've overestimated the moral capacity of War God Castle. Not only did they destroy Mr.

Chu's bronze statue, but they also appointed someone around Mr. Chu's age as the Hall Master of War

God Castle. Clearly, they're keeping Mr. Chu in check and opposing him.

“I think you must be mistaken, Mr. Li. We didn't appoint Chen Jiuzhou to oppose Ye Fan and Dragon

God Hall. We merely want to develop China's martial arts world—” Ye Qingtian wanted to explain

further, but Li Er and the rest weren't interested in hearing him out.

“Do whatever you guys want. Besides, you guys are free to appoint whoever you want as Hall Master

of War God Castle. However, the martial arts world in Jiangdong is only submitting to Mr. Chu. We'll

never submit to Chen Jiuzhou,” Li Er interrupted as he waved dismissively.

Li Er and the rest then drove away from Mount Yan without giving Ye Qingtian and the others a chance

to respond.

“How did this happen?” Sword Saint let out a sigh.

They never thought things would end that way.

“Chen Jiuzhou is such an impulsive man. He has only been appointed, and he's already disregarding

Chu Tianfan. Not only did he topple Chu Tianfan's bronze statue, but he also nearly killed Chu

Tianfan's subordinate. With that attitude of his, a clash is bound to happen.” Sword Saint was getting


Ye Qingtian was also feeling devastated. I only agreed to step down because I wanted to give Chen

Jiuzhou a chance to prove himself. However, I made a mistake by forgetting the fact that two strong

individuals can never coexist in the same place. Chen Jiuzhou and Ye Fan are both in their youthful

exuberance. If a conflict were to happen, neither of them would back down. By the look of things,

they're bound to have a go at each other in the future.

“Please let us help you, Mr. Li. We're all Ye Fan's friends, so we should help each other.” Sword Saint

flashed a smile.