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Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon

Volume 8B, Character Introduction
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Volume 8B, Character Introduction



- Aoi Kimi: Toori’s older sister and worshipper of the god of eroticism and dancing. Fundamentally high-tension and selfish in practice.

- Aoi Toori: Protagonist. Musashi Ariadust Academy’s chancellor and student council president. Mr. Impossible.

- Asama Tomo: Daughter of the Asama Shrine, Musashi’s main shrine. Childhood friend and overall victim of Toori and Kimi.

- Azuma: Child of the emperor and a half-god. All his abilities have been sealed and he lives on the Musashi.

- Adele Balfette: From a vassal family that arrived from France. Glasses girl.

- Itou Kenji: Cheerful incubus. Nude, bald, and muscular. Known as Itoken.

- Ohiroshiki Ginji: Gourmet otaku with a Heart-sama style build.

- Kiyonari Urquiaga: 2nd special duty officer. Flying half-dragon. Hopes to be an inquisitor. Known as Uqui.

- Shirojiro Bertoni: Treasurer. Young leading member of Musashi’s commerce and industry guild.

- Tenzou Crossunite: 1st special duty officer. Ninja and errand-runner who always covers his face with his hat.

- Toussaint Neshinbara: Secretary. Loves history, wants to be an author, and writes doujins.

- Naomasa: 6th special duty officer. Older sister type who works in the engine division. Smokes and laughs loudly.

- Nate Mitotsudaira: 5th special duty officer. Member of a knight family and inheritor of the Mito Matsudaira name. Half werewolf.

- Nenji: Slime with about 3 HP. Manly.

- Noriki: Laborer boy who supports his family. Clumsy martial artist. Silent and unsociable.

- Heidi Augesvarer: Treasurer’s aide. Shirojiro’s partner. Has a white fox named Erimaki.

- Hassan Furubushi: Calpis logo-style Indian. Lives while eating and drinking only curry.

- Persona-kun: Super macho man with a bucket helmet. Silent, strong, and kindhearted.

- Horizon Ariadust: Toori’s childhood friend and current ruler of Mikawa. Currently an automaton. Her emotions were taken as parts for the Logismoi Oplo.

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- Honda Futayo: Former Mikawa student. Honda Tadakatsu’s daughter. Uses a strongly old-fashioned speech pattern.

- Honda Masazumi: Vice president of the student council. Diligent exchange student who arrived from Mikawa the previous year. Has various issues with her family.

- Marga Naruze: 4th special duty officer. Black-haired six-winged Weiss Hexen. Member of the manga club.

- Margot Naito: 3rd special duty officer. Blonde-haired six-winged Schwarz Hexen. Always smiling.

- Miriam Poqou: Girl who stays in her room because she lives in a wheelchair.

- Mukai Suzu: Blind but always gives it her all. Acts as everyone’s stopper.

- Tachibana Muneshige: Former Tres Espa?a 1st special duty officer. Amore. Currently working to regain his inherited name.

- Tachibana Gin: Former Tres Espa?a 3rd special duty officer. Muneshige’s wife and possessor of cannon-style false arms. Fifty times.

- Mary Stuart: Half-sister of English Queen Elizabeth. Well-endowed blonde. Living with Tenzou as his future wife. Owner of Ex. Collbrande.

- Mishina Hiro: Granddaughter of the engine division’s chief. Loves mechanical things. Naomasa’s underclassman. Her name is pronounced Hiro, not Dai.

- Mishina Shouichi: Mishina Hiro’s father. Taizou’s son-in-law. Head of Kantou IZUMO.

- Satomi Yoshiyasu: Satomi Academy’s student council president. Small but does not cry. Uses the god of war Righteousness.

- Ookubo Tadachika/Nagayasu: A rare Far Easterner with a double inherited name. A second year and head of the representative committee. Speaks in a fake-sounding Kansai dialect.

- Kanou: Ookubo’s maid. An automaton. Head of the public morals committee. A second year.

- Date Shigezane [Narumi]: Masamune’s cousin. Vice chancellor of the Date clan and uses a mobile shell named Unturning Centipede. Confident elder sister type.

- Yagyuu Munenori: A 1st year ninja samurai who serves Ookubo. Hunterrrrrrr chaaaaaaaaaaance!

- Houjou Ujinao: Chancellor and student council vice president of the Houjou Association of Indian States. A demonic long-lived, but has an automaton body.

- Nagaoka Tadaoki: He’s super scaryyyyyyyyyyyy! His dick’s pitch blaaaaaaaaaaack!

● Academy Officials

- Oriotri Makiko: High-speed battling teacher. Always wears a track suit.

- Sakai Tadatsugu: Musashi Ariadust Academy’s president. Used to be a very able person but was demoted.

- “Musashi”: Automaton that supervises the Musashi and overall commander. Her sharp comments are hard to put up with.

- Yoshinao: King of Musashi who was sent from Hexagone Fran?aise. Has a veto right toward the academy and has the authority to manage Musashi.

- Sanyou Mitsuki: Class 3-Bamboo’s homeroom teacher. Looks up to Oriotorai. Somewhat sensitive and unlucky.

● Hexagone Fran?aise

- Louis Exiv: Hexagone Fran?aise’s chancellor. Refreshing young man known as the Roi-Soleil. Has divine blood.

- Mouri Terumoto: Hexagone Fran?aise’s student council president. Delinquent type. Destined to be Musashi’s enemy as leader of the Western Army.

- Henri of the Three Musketeers: Female combat-style automaton. Acts as the leader and as Terumoto’s bodyguard. Uses large remote-controlled swords.

- Armand of the Three Musketeers: Male combat-style automaton. Uses broad-range gravitational control.

- Reine de Garou: Turenne. Hexagone Fran?aise’s vice chancellor. Mitotsudaira’s mom. All-around giant breasts.

- Mitotsudaira’s Father: The Reine des Garous’s husband. A victim who is full of happiness and readily cries. Not so much passive as always under attack. 24 days.

- Bernard: A mercenary commander from M.H.R.R., but an old man who inherited the name of someone who betrayed his home nation as a Protestant and moved from battlefield to battlefield, but is actually a Celestial Dragon and siding with Hexagone Fran?aise. It’s complicated.

- Mouri Sisters: Three automaton sisters who have inherited the names of three of Mouri Terumoto’s uncles.

● P.A. Oda

- Niwa Nagahide: #2 of the Six Heavenly Demon Army and Five Great Peaks. A dancer and quick to adapt.

- Mori Ranmaru: Nobunaga’s page. An old-fashioned automaton who originally belonged to the Imperial Palace, but was sent to P.A. Oda.

● M.H.R.R.

- Hashiba Toukichirou: M.H.R.R. Vice President and monkey-masked automaton girl. The nervous bomber type.

- Olimpia: Innocentius’s older and younger stepsister. Current Pope-Chancellor.

- Matthias: Representative of M.H.R.R.’s Catholics. Student Council President. Younger brother of Chancellor and Emperor Rudolf II. Being a puppet is fun!

- Maeda Toshiie: Catholic representative. Treasurer. Samurai attendant that has become a ghost and is peacefully spending his days with his wife Matsu.

- Fukushima Masanori: Under Hashiba’s direct command. Ten Spears #1. Speaks in an old-fashioned way.

- Katou Kiyomasa: Under Hashiba’s direct command. Ten Spears #2. The busty blonde type and speaks politely.

- Takenaka Hanbei: Ten Spears #9. Hashiba’s tactician. Carefree long-lived girl. Has also inherited the name of Kuroda Kanbei.

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- Katagiri Katsumoto: Ten Spears #10. An earnest boy who can also negotiate.

- Katou Yoshiaki: Ten Spears #4. Gold-haired, gold-winged Weiss Hexen. Speaks sharply, but surprisingly tends to act as a mediator.

- Wakisaka Yasuharu (Angie): Ten Spears #5. Black-haired, black-winged Schwarz Hexen. The carefree type, but she truly is carefree.

- Hachisuka Koroku: Shouroku. God of war pilot of the Hidamari Genbu. The cool kid of the Ten Spears.

- Kani Saizou: Extremely high probability of people misreading her name. The energetic aide to the Ten Spears. Fukushima’s underclassman. Nickname: Kanitama.

- Suzuki Magoichi: Gunner who joined P.A. Oda by betraying the Saika.

- Kuki Yoshitaka: Leader of P.A. Oda’s iron ship fleet. His job is to oppose the Murakami Navy.

- Ootani Yoshitsugu: An earnest, hot-blooded, sincere, and honest virus with a strong sense of justice. Liked by cats.

- Ishida Mitsunari: An earnest but inexperienced data entity who is often troubled. Ten Spears #3.

- Kasuya Takenori: Ten Spears #8. Black wolf. Close-quarters fighter who defeated Takigawa. Has a chest.

- Nabeshima Naoshige: Kani’s childhood friend who moved to the Ryuuzouji clan. The big sister type. A mechanical dragon pilot who bosses the Four Heavenly Kings of Ryuuzouji around.

- Four Heavenly Kings of Ryuuzouji: “The five of us!” “Are the Four Heavenly Kings of Ryuuzouji!” “There’s five of us!” “But we’re the Four Heavenly Kings!” “Get outta the way!” and so on.

- Asano Yoshinaga: Kani’s childhood friend and the type to get good grades. Tallllks with a weird intonaaation.

- Ikeda Terumasa: Kani’s childhood friend and a builder. Is doing a lot of stuff with the Shirasagi Castle.

- Konishi Yukinaga: Koni-tan’s daughter. Negotiator for Hashiba’s Kantou forces and representative of the Bousou Peninsula’s ground unit. A merchant commander. Likes money, but doesn’t produce udon.

- Shima Sakon: 3m tall, held back 5 times, and can regenerate. But it makes her go yowch. Uses the mobile shell Onitakemaru. Kohime.

- Onitakemaru: A Shogun. A mobile shell. Real easy to get worked up. I’m a mobile shell now, but you got a problem with that!?

- Komaoumaru: Kiso no Yoshinaka. Tomoe Gozen’s former husband. Fires beams from his mouth even after resurrecting.

- Ishikawa Kazumasa: Teacher of the Ten Spears and other related students. Originally lived on the Musashi, but left for P.A. Oda after losing to Oriotri.

● Other Forces

- Tomoe Gozen: M.H.R.R. Protestant with Luther as a second inherited name. A ghost. Uses a Testamenta Arma and this people with a Testament copy hammer.

- Christina: Lady Nagaoka. Fully prepared to die. Lives on the north end of N?rdlingen.

- Masaki Tokishige: Satomi’s current representative. A fairly hard worker who serves Hashiba. Uses the god of war called Integrity.