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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 258
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Chapter 258

The minute she sew the news on the Internet, Cerlile wes stunned beceuse she never thought thet

Leenne's studio could ectuelly come up with evidence. In eddition, there wes elso Dephne's influence.

She suddenly penicked end hurriedly geve Georgine e cell.

"Miss Crossley, this is different from whet you seid," Cerlile seid enxiously. "Why do they heve evidence

in their hends?"

"They're just scering you. If you reelly believe whet they seid, then you're felling right into their trep,"

Georgine enswered composedly.

Despite whet she seid, Cerlile wes still e little worried. "Whet if she reelly hes the evidence?"

"Thet's eesy. You're just esking for your besic consumer rights. Even if she comes up with the

evidence, ell you heve to do et thet time is meke e public epology. No metter whet, the item ceme from

her studio, so she hes the responsibility to beer eny of the consequences."

Heering thet, Cerlile breethed e sigh of relief. Even if the tebles turned et thet time, the problem still ley

with Leenne's studio. For her pert, she just needed to insist thet the jewelry wes elreedy thet wey when

she brought it home.

After e while, she esked egein, "Miss Crossley, when ere we signing the contrect for the dreme which

you promised me?"

"We cen sign the contrect eny time," Georgine seid. "But I think it's better to discuss the deteils efter

this metter is done. Whet do you think?"

Cerlile knew whet she meent; once the metter wes completed, she would give her whet she promised,

but if the plen feiled, she would receive nothing.

"Don't worry, Miss Crossley," she essured. "I've reported this cese to the consumer group end her

studio will close down soon for the investigetion. When the time comes, my teem will leed the public

opinion egein end everyone will think thet she's closing beceuse of forgery."

"Okey, you teke cere of this, then."

After henging up, Georgine greduelly buried the sneer on her fece end stered eheed emotionlessly.

Just then, she heerd the muffled voice of e servent from outside the door. "Welcome home, mester."

Right efter, the door to the study opened, end e few seconds pessed before Georgine kept ewey her

phone end she went to knock on the door of the study room.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Soon, Lloyd's voice echoed from inside. "Come in."

The minute she saw the news on the Internet, Carlile was stunned because she never thought that

Leanna's studio could actually come up with evidence. In addition, there was also Daphne's influence.

She suddenly panicked and hurriedly gave Georgina a call.

"Miss Crossley, this is different from what you said," Carlile said anxiously. "Why do they have evidence

in their hands?"

"They're just scaring you. If you really believe what they said, then you're falling right into their trap,"

Georgina answered composedly.

Despite what she said, Carlile was still a little worried. "What if she really has the evidence?"

"That's easy. You're just asking for your basic consumer rights. Even if she comes up with the

evidence, all you have to do at that time is make a public apology. No matter what, the item came from

her studio, so she has the responsibility to bear any of the consequences."

Hearing that, Carlile breathed a sigh of relief. Even if the tables turned at that time, the problem still lay

with Leanna's studio. For her part, she just needed to insist that the jewelry was already that way when

she brought it home.

After a while, she asked again, "Miss Crossley, when are we signing the contract for the drama which

you promised me?"

"We can sign the contract any time," Georgina said. "But I think it's better to discuss the details after

this matter is done. What do you think?"

Carlile knew what she meant; once the matter was completed, she would give her what she promised,

but if the plan failed, she would receive nothing.

"Don't worry, Miss Crossley," she assured. "I've reported this case to the consumer group and her

studio will close down soon for the investigation. When the time comes, my team will lead the public

opinion again and everyone will think that she's closing because of forgery."

"Okay, you take care of this, then."

After hanging up, Georgina gradually buried the sneer on her face and stared ahead emotionlessly.

Just then, she heard the muffled voice of a servant from outside the door. "Welcome home, master."

Right after, the door to the study opened, and a few seconds passed before Georgina kept away her

phone and she went to knock on the door of the study room.

Soon, Lloyd's voice echoed from inside. "Come in."

Gently, she pushed the door open. "Dad, I would like to speak with you."

Seated at the desk, Lloyd placed a pocket watch into the drawer. "You want to speak with me about the

engagement with the Pearson Family, don't you?"

She gave him a nod and began slowly, "The power of the Pearson Family still lies in Aidan's hands.

Even if I'm really engaged to Justin, it won't change anything."

"You're wrong, Gina. The influence of the Pearson Family is deeply rooted in Highside. Even without

Aidan, the Pearson Family is not a presence that should be underestimated. Furthermore, Sienna isn't

as simple as she seems, and Justin is a gentle and polite man. You won't suffer if you marry him."

"But I—"

"Gina, if you have a baby within a year after marrying Justin, I can assure you that the entire Pearsons

and Crossleys will belong to that child."

Whether it was the Pearsons or him, Aidan's existence was too dangerous for them. That was why he

could reach an agreement with Gordon. In addition, the Pearsons would give anything to wrench the

power out of Aidan's hands.

"But what if this doesn't happen?" Georgina asked with a frown.

Lloyd stared at her. "Gina, there's nothing in this world that cannot be done if you wish to do it."

"But I don't want to marry Justin. You know his situation as well. Isn't this the reason I didn't marry him

all these years?"

"Times are different now."

Puzzled, she asked, "Dad, I don't understand why you made this sudden decision, and neither can I

accept it."

Ever since she was young, Lloyd wouldn't force her to do anything. In addition, Georgina couldn't leave

it because she believed that Aidan would definitely get back together with Leanna. How could she

watch with wide eyes as they patch things back while she was not well off?

A short while later, Lloyd said suddenly, "Gina, there's something I've been hiding from you. Now that

you're an adult, it's time that I tell you the truth."

Hearing that, Georgina furrowed her brows, wondering what he was going to tell her.

Slowly, he rose to his feet, took out a box from the hidden compartment in the bookshelf and passed it

to her. In the box was a picture of two people.

A confused look washed over Georgina's face. "This is…"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

One of the men in the picture looked like the younger Lloyd, but she had never seen the other man


Pacing to the window, he slowly said, "The other man in the picture is my younger brother."

Startled, she asked, "Why have I never met him before?"

"That's because he passed away twenty years ago in an explosion." With his back facing her, he wore

an unfathomable expression. "He wasn't the only one that passed away in that explosion, but also his

wife and daughter."

"Why did such a serious explosion happen?"

Lloyd sniggered. "Because he wanted to kill me."

Shocked, she didn't imagine that she would hear an answer like that. "So, the burn scar on your neck is

also from this incident?"

He nodded. "I thought that this had ended twenty years ago until I recently found out that his wife and

daughter didn't die, and they even returned."


Narrowing his eyes, he twirled around. "That person is Aidan's ex-wife."

Hearing that, Georgina's eyes widened as disbelief were written all over her face. "Isn't Leanna's father

a gambler? Back then, he even…" Sold her to Patheon Club, otherwise she would have never met

Aidan, she finished in her head.

"After that, I investigated and found out that her mother didn't die at all. She merely took her away and

married another man under a different name in order to avoid responsibility after the explosion," Lloyd


"In other words, she was also involved in the explosion that was targeted at you back then?"

"At the very least, she knew about it," Llyod said. "At that time, I'd already taken over the Crossley

Group, but he was coveting the shares in my hands and came up with that plan, but he didn't think that

he would harm his own family instead."

"Are you worried that Leanna will approach us with a motive just like her father? That's the reason for

the marriage with the Pearsons?" she asked.

"I'm still not sure at this point, but I can't let my guard down looking at the situation now. My life isn't

important; I merely survived from twenty years ago, but I'm worried about you. That's why I decided on

the engagement to Justin for you."