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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 127
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Chapter 127

Fade Chen did not answer directly, but said," Master Xie is not an Earth Level Master. He is at the

advanced stage of Yellow Level, which is the lowest level in martial arts practice."

"What? Not an Earth Level master?"

"Only at advanced stage of Yellow Level? This, this is impossible!" " But then he used his true vital

energy to suppress those bodyguards!"

The rich people heard Fade Chen's words and immediately inquired in disbelief.

Fade Chen shook his head gently and explained, "Martial arts warriors are divided into four levels,

namely Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow. Amongst them, masters of the Black and Yellow level, have

cultivated the internal vital energy. Once they enter the Earth level, their internal vital energy can be

transformed into the purer, true vital energy, which can be released from the body with various magical

effects. Once they have cultivated the true vital energy and become an Earth Level Master, they can be

regarded as the elites and has great ability to protect themselves even when alone."

Although these rich people were not martial arts practitioners, they had their own bodyguards who

practiced martial arts, so they could clearly understand the strength of a martial artist. After listening to

Fade Chen's detailed explanation, they nodded in agreement and looked at Fade Chen to wait for him

to continue.

Fade Chen paused slightly and continued, "The true vital energy is richer and purer compared to the

internal vital energy. It can be released from the body. So when you saw Master Xie's gesture just now,

you misunderstood that as the true vital energy, and therefore thought he was an Earth Level Master.

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"In fact, the true vital energy can be released, but not all of the energy released is true vital energy. As

you know, there are many unknown existences in the path of martial arts. In addition, the ancient

martial arts practice has a long history, and there are just too many unknown methods."

" Master Xie had only used some of the tricks of traditional Taoist magic, coupled with some special

elements to expand his internal vital energy in order to create a heavy suffocating effect. In fact, what

he had used just now was the internal vital energy. You couldn't notice it because you were already


After Fade Chen's explanation, the rich people nodded awkwardly. Being amongst the rich and elite,

they felt humiliated to be deceived like this.

In reality, even the warriors at the advanced stage of the Yellow Level were absolutely masters in the

eyes of these rich people. Therefore, it was normal that they couldn't distinguish the levels.

"Thank you, Master Chen!" They thanked Fade Chen.

Then, someone suddenly remembered something and asked Fade Chen, "Master Chen, so which level

are you at ?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Fade Chen skeptically Since Master Xie was not an Earth Level

Master, then Master Chen, who defeated Master Xie, naturally would not be a Heaven Level Master.

However, what they didn't know was that although Master Xie was not an Earth Level Master, Fade

Chen was indeed a Heaven Level master, in fact, he was at the pinnacle of its level.

But then, even if Fade Chen said that he was a Heaven Level Master, they would probably doubt him.

Therefore, Fade Chen chose to keep silent.

When everyone noticed Fade Chen did not say a word, they thought that Fade Chen was too

embarrassed to admit that he wasn't a Heaven Level Master. After all, everyone expected him to be

one, but then, Fade Chen was probably just a master at the advanced or pinnacle stage of the Yellow

Level. Although still considered very good, it was still far from what was expected.

Therefore, Mr. Hu, who was a veteran, quickly laughed and changed the topic.

The group of people chatted for a while. After exchanging their contacts, they took their leave


Fade Chen and Caesar Du left together. On the way out, Caesar Du once again expressed his

gratitude towards Fade but was gently refused by Fade. He bid Caesar Du goodbye and asked him to

leave, while he still had something to deal with.

Although Caesar Du was confused, since Fade Chen had voiced out, he drove away obediently.

Fade Chen strolled around for a while with his hands behind his back. Then he turned into an alley and

broke the silence," Come out!"

Master Xie immediately appeared behind Fade Chen, his face showed only respect.

Fade Chen took out the wooden sword that was used by Master Xie just now and asked, " Where did

you get this sword ?"

Master Xie looked at Fade Chen in perplex. Why would someone like Master Chen be interested in his

not so valuable wooden sword? But since Master Chen asked, he replied without hesitation, "Master

Chen, I requested someone to make this sword."

"You asked someone to make it?" Fade Chen frowned and then asked, "Where did you get the material

for this sword ? Did you provide it yourself or it was chosen by the creator ?"

Master Xie was stunned, he continued to explain, "I provided the material. Three years ago, I was

picking herbs in the mountains and stumbled upon a piece of yellow wood. At that time, I noticed that

the wood had a clear wood grain and emanated faint wood scent. The wood was also very hard."

"I thought it was some sort of valuable wood from plants such as yellow pear trees, rosewood and so

on, so I thought of selling it for money. But when I got back, I found someone to identify it and

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discovered that it was just a piece of hard ordinary wood."

" Later, when I was ready to throw the wood away, my friend suggested that although the wood was not

so valuable, it was tough and a good material for making swords. So he made me a wooden sword."

After Master Xie finished speaking, he looked at Fade Chen uneasily and asked cautiously, "Master

Chen, is there something wrong with this sword?"

Fade Chen shook his head and said, "There's nothing wrong. The only thing is you're ignorant and as a

result, wasted a piece of treasure

"This wooden sword is a treasure?" Master Xie looked surprised. Fade Chen said, "The wooden sword

is very common, but the material for making the wooden sword is good stuff. The wood is not yellow

pear tree, but Rudraksha wood."

"Rudraksha wood!" Master Xie was shocked. As confused as he was, he still knew what Rudraksha

meant, especially the rare one. It was the legendary sacred tree of Buddhism. "Is it really Rudraksha

Tree ?"

"Why would I lie to you ?" Fade Chen snorted and then said," Besides, without the reinforcement of the

Rudraksha wood, do you think your puny power could create the life-like illusions of the Buddha and

the Divine Maiden?"

"Ahem, this -" Master Xie blushed and felt a little embarrassed. When he first used his internal energy

to render the image of Buddha and the Divine Maiden, the effect was unexpectedly good, it made him

thought that his strength had improved, and he was ecstatic for quite a while. Unexpectedly, he now

knew that it was not his own progress, but the power of the wood.

" Master Chen, this... this wooden sword is for you. Only masters like Master Chen deserves to use this

kind of treasure." Master Xie swallowed hard. Although he was reluctant, he still presented the wooden

sword to Fade Chen with both hands