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My Sect System

Chapter 148 - Gaurdian Wolf King
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Jian and Song Yu just got to know about the forest, and they were left speechless. They had not expected that they have to satisfy six guardians of the woods. 

Meaning they will have to do six missions to get the clues about the wood element core. The instructions didn't confirm that the body is of the wood element, but the system had approved it for Jian, so he believed it.

The words on the ground had disappeared. Now Jian and Song Yu have to search for the guardians and to get their missions.

But Jian decided to check out the second tree; he believed that if there were four trees of similar size, then there should be more and thought that they were connected to the guardians of the forest. 

He decided that he would climb the tree and then use Star Gaze at full strength, While he jumped in the sky. Even though he couldn't fly, he could jump very high. 

He immediately started climbing the tree, and a few minutes, he was on top of it, and then he began to use Qi with Star Gaze and propelled himself into the sky. 

He was looking in the direction of the second tree. He immediately saw the third and the fourth tree. He kept looking in the same order, and he was able to two more trees. He kept looking and when he couldn't find anything he stopped he Qi, and he fell. 

He landed and then immediately told everything to Song Yu. They agreed that since there are six large trees and six guardians, then both are related. 

If they search the trees, then they will find clues about the guardians. After reaching the tree, they had not checked it out, so after gathering everything, they moved towards the tree and started to check it.

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They started to circle the tree, and it didn't take long for them to find a hole in a tree. They didn't hesitate and directly went inside it, and they came to see a door.

The door was similar to the door they saw in the desert. They immediately knew that they were moving in the right direction. The door had similar holes on it. But there were only ten holes. 

Jian frowned. He had not encountered any beast with the wood element affinity. He moved closer to it and checked with the Star Gaze. When he moved closer to he was able to smell a similar smell from the forest. 

He immediately recalled and then took out a core of Three-star Blood Fanged Wolf and put it near the hole. It directly lodges itself in the spot he immediately knows that his thinking is correct. 

He directly took out nine other cores and then lodged them in the holes. Because the smell was of the blood berries and the blood fanged wolf's devoured them. 

So he knew that the cores of the blood fanged wolves were the right ones as the holes were filled with the spirits. The door immediately lit up and opened itself. 

Jian and Song Yu were not able to see anything inside. They were only able to hear breathing noises. The noise was rough, so they knew that it was a beast, so they prepared themselves. 

They took out their weapons and started to move forward. As they put their foot inside, the walls began to light up. Jian and Song looked in opposite directions and saw that the torches on the wall had been lit as they put their foot inside the room.

Their attention was brought back by the breathing noise. They immediately formed, and from the shadows, a colossal beast appeared in front of them.

Jian subconsciously took a step back, and Song Yu started to shiver. Jian immediately activated Star Gaze to check the information. 

Name:Blood Fanged Wolf king


Jian was shocked seeing that information, although he had already guessed the name of the beast because it looked similar to wolf's they encountered outside. What left me shook was the cultivation. 

Because four questions mark suggests that even after Jian reach Nascent Soul Realm, he will not see the cultivation. The system had already told Jian how to guess cultivation using the question mark on the information. 

Jian immediately bowed and pushed Song Yu's head down as well.

"Greetings, senior, sorry to disturb you, but we are here about searching for the guardians of the forest, and if you could tell us, then we will immediately leave."

Jian immediately greeted the Wolf king; he knew that a single mistake could cause their lives, and the system could also not save them.

Wolf king spoke when he saw Jian greet him. The wolf king addressed Song Yu first because he could tell she was here for the inheritance, but he looked at Jian, his interest was peaked. 

On the other hand, Song Yu and Jian were shocked because, for the first time, they had encountered a beast that could speak. They were shocked, and they were still in a bowing position. 

Jian and Song Yu didn't know how to respond to the king wolf. They waited for it to continue. The wolf saw the both were not speaking and smiled. 

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The wolf king saw everything, and his interest was peaked, so he increased its pressure on Jian, but nothing happened, and the pressure was increased again. Jian felt something. He looked up and directly made eye contact with wolf king.

The wolf was embarrassed seeing Jian remaining unharmed after taking on pressure from the high-level beast. Because the pressure was not cultivation pressure but a bloodline pressure and there was no response on Jian. 

So the wolf king got even more embarrassed. He immediately coughed and spoke again.

Wolf king immediately released the cultivator pressure, but it was only of peak Nascent Soul Realm which caused Jian and Song Yu to break in a cold sweat. Song Yu even started to shiver, and Jian immediately jumped two steps back.

They knew that the wrong answer could kill them. Jian was one the who stabilised himself and spoke. 

"Senior "

The wolf king immediately removed the pressure and broke into laughter while explaining. Jian and Song Yu had headaches. The joke of wolf king could kill an ordinary cultivator. 

Jian and Song Yu were shocked. They had not expected that they would meet the guardian this easily. They thought about the six large trees and if one of the guardians was in one of the trees. Then is it possible that the other guardians are also in the trees?

The wolf king gave them the mission and immediately went back into the shadows. The torches in the room also got blown, and the darkness returned to the room. 

Jian and Song Yu didn't know what had happened. They saw that the wolf king was gone after giving them their missions, so they looked at each other and walked out.

As Song Yu and Jian left the room, the wolf king returned and kept looking in Jian's direction while his whiskers kept shivering. 

Because when at first the bloodline pressure didn't work on Jian to satisfy his ego, he had used cultivation pressure, and to protect himself, Jian had also released the pressure. 

The pressure released by Jian had caused the wolf king to shiver. That's why he gave them the mission in a hurry, and when they left, he kept looking in their direction. 

Because the pressure Jian released was bloodline pressure, it caused the wolf king to shiver, meaning Jian's bloodline was a lot higher than the wolf king.. And he was afraid of offending Jian.