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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 995 Back To Square One
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Song Yan stared at the man speechlessly. She really wanted to ask him if he was thirty or three but as she did not wish to fight with him, Song Yan simply nursed her brows and then stated quietly, " Haven't you heard? Staying apart for a few days only grows the fondness of one's heart. If we were to stay away from each other, we would only get close to one another and live a happy life. Don't you think so?" 

" If staying apart grew fondness of one another then no one would be willing to cheat on their partners but they do right?" Fu Yu Sheng replied as he turned the ignition of the car and then headed towards the airport. 

Song Yan: "…." I want to refute him but I can't because he is right! 

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Seeing that her husband was indeed angry with her, Song Yan felt her head throb. She was only thinking about him and the family, so why was he acting so childishly? 

Fu Yu Sheng on the other hand was on the verge of crying, he hated that Song Yan was leaving him and he hated the fact that she was not willing to let him announce to the entire world that they were married. Song Yan did it because she did not want to be bothered by the paparazzi and the people who were eyeing the Fu family. 

But that only made Fu Yu Sheng feel like he was being hidden away like a dirty secret. He wanted to hold Song Yan in his arms without any worry and not hide his face in front of others, Fu Yu Sheng wanted to be introduced as her husband instead of a colleague and friend! 

He wanted Song Yan to let others know that she was his wife! He did not want her to look at any other man! 

' Why? Why won't she let me come with her? Does she want to escape from me?' Fu Yu Sheng was well aware of how his family as well as he treated Song Yan, thus his nerves were at the edge just thinking about how Song Yan was going to go away from him. 

Throughout the entire way, neither of them spoke, Fu Yu Sheng felt feeling unfair in his heart while Song Yan felt annoyed that he had this little trust in her. Thus, when the two of them arrived at the airport, Song Yan felt relieved. She truly could not handle the cold air inside the car which was coming from the man next to her. In fact, he was giving off even colder air than the air con. 

Many actors and junior stars were lining up at the VIP section of the airport. As soon as Song Yan stepped out of the car, many juniors of her came to chat with her even the actor who was playing the second male lead came to strike up a conversation with her. He turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng who despite complaining about being hidden by Song Yan was covering his face with a mask. 

" Is this your brother, Sister Song?" The man surnamed Yi asked courageously. 

Song Yan: "…." Of all the things you just had to call him brother? Are you trying to get us in trouble? 

Fu Yu Sheng's aura was dark, to begin with, but the second he was called Song Yan's brother, his entire body started to ooze cold aura as he glared at the man called Yi Xun while he silently noted down this act of grave grievance in his heart. This man better hope that he never gets entangled in a mess or else… he was going to make him suffer! 

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He turned to look at Yi Xun with his eyes so sharp that the man swallowed his words and went back to the group. His agent told him that Song Yan was connected to the higher ups which was why he wanted to get close to her, but with the man glaring at him like this, he did not dare to get close to Song Yan at all. 

Song Yan turned to look at the man beside her, she could clearly feel the pressure around him drop and wanted to explain. She could see that Yi Xun was acting solicitous with her because he knew something, most probably his agent told him something and thus he came to chat with her. This was something that was very common in their circle but before she could say anything the man turned to look at her and then looked down at her ring finger. 

Upon finding that she was not wearing her wedding ring, his eyes narrowed even more dangerously. 

Song Yan followed his gaze and immediately explained, " I did it because I was worried you and Chen Chen would be tailed… I mean I might be a small actress but I still bring some traffic to your company right? What if the media channels try to get a photo of you? It will be a big scandal." 

" I don't mind," Fu Yu Sheng replied coldly. In fact if not for his wife's insistence, he was willing to do a full-blown photo shoot as her husband even if it was in the middle of the street.

And what big scandal? So what Song Yan was his wife? Was there a law that states that a boss can not marry an actress signed under his company? 

In the end, Song Yan did not know what to say to him, she could only rub her head and try to explain that he did not have to worry about anything as she was not going to cheat on him. 

" You are the only one for me, our aura's matched the most …there is no way I will choose another man over you …stop frowning now, you look like a child who is scared to lose his favourite toy!" Song Yan was still speaking when she suddenly heard the actresses behind her gasp followed by Fang Yanli's sudden intake of breath, " What a mighty Emperor's Aura." 
