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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art (WN)

Chapter 4758: Feng You’s Heroic Gamble
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The Heavenly Loather race suddenly switched directions, heading straight for Long Chen’s group, with Feng You as their target. Their leader's words rang out loud enough for everyone to hear, stoking the flames of rage within Feng You. Clenching her phoenix spear, she braced for the incoming conflict.

“Leave this fellow to me,” declared Feng You. This fellow was too arrogant to insult her like this.

“He’s very strong,” warned Long Chen.

“I have gotten stronger as well. In the Esoteric Spirit World, I found an inheritance that’s rightfully mine. Though I know that he’s strong, the path of cultivation is one where you can only advance, not retreat. I’ll just treat this as a trial to enter the Sovereign Emperor Heaven. If I can’t beat him, it means that I’m not qualified to enter the Sovereign Emperor Heaven. And if I do lose, please don’t help. After all, you can’t help me for a lifetime. If I want to get stronger, I can’t keep depending on others to help me in this cruel world,” Feng You asserted resolutely.

A brilliant phoenix cry rang out from Feng You’s spear, summoning the image of an ancient phoenix behind her. As the flames burst into existence, she seemed possessed by the ancient divine phoenix, and a majestic pressure crashed down.

“Brothers of the mixed beast race, we have been insulted on our way to the Sovereign Emperor Heaven. Let their blood bear witness to our glory!” Feng You's voice rang out, rallying her comrades to action.

The other experts of the mixed beast race echoed her attitude with fierce roars, raising their weapons as they charged forward. Indeed, the warriors of the mixed beast race were fearless, not hesitating to go head-on against the powerful Heavenly Loather race.

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Seeing this, Guo Ran and the others couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the mixed beast race. They could tell that the mixed beast race was one level weaker than the Heavenly Loather race. If they were to fight directly, the mixed beast race would definitely be at a disadvantage. However, with their honor at stake, they were fearless. At this moment, the Dragonblood warriors turned to Long Chen, awaiting his permission.

Long Chen said, “Leave the leader to Feng You. Brothers, you can assist them. It’ll count as a light exercise.”


Guo Ran immediately took out his sabers and was about to take the lead when Long Chen irritably warned him. “Don’t cause more trouble this time.”

“Boss, what are you talking about? I was just going to raise everyone’s morale!” cried Guo Ran.

However, not many people here believed him. The way Long Chen praised Guo Ran in front of Feng You had made him preen. No, with such a good chance to show off his power, he wouldn’t be Guo Ran if he didn’t show off a bit.

Guo Ran raised his saber and shouted, “Brothers, teach these ignorant fellows a lesson. Show them who the real trash is!”


The Dragonblood warriors shot forward like bolts of lightning. Previously, the Heavenly Loather race had called the human race trash. So, after their boss had given the word, they charged out like tigers released from a cage.

“Little girl, are you personally giving yourself to me? Hahaha, good, I like girls with initiative,” the leader of the Heavenly Loather race jeered, his gaze fixed on Feng You as he advanced, his laughter echoing through the air. After that, his horse quickened the pace, its hooves flying across the air, causing the void beneath it to constantly rumble and explode.

“He’s borrowing his horse’s power. If the two of them work together, they can unleash an even greater force. Feng You is at a disadvantage. She might not survive the first clash,” Bai Shishi said, her expression filled with concern.

The horse was a terrifying beast, and its power did not seem much weaker than the leader’s. Feng You hadn’t noticed it before, but now that he accelerated, the power unleashed by this horse seemed to be trampling the laws of the world.

Seeing that Long Chen had no intention of moving, Bai Shishi looked at him curiously. “Long Chen, are you really not planning on doing anything?”

“As a cultivator, I respect her choice. Just as she said, I might be able to help her this time, but I cannot help her for a lifetime. She must face her own challenges. If she fails to overcome this challenge, whether she dies here or in the Sovereign Emperor Heaven, it makes no difference,” sighed Long Chen.

The leader of the Heavenly Loather race was definitely extremely strong. When he appeared, Long Chen had noticed it, and that was why he had warned Feng You.

However, he could do nothing about Feng You’s choice. All he could do was watch.

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“Long Chen, I’m sorry about before…” Seeing Long Chen choose to stand by and watch, Bai Shishi bit her lip guiltily, fearing that he didn’t interfere just to not provoke her jealousy. If Feng You died as a result of that, she would never forgive herself.

However, before she could finish her apology, Long Chen suddenly grabbed her hand, causing her to fall silent. At that moment, Bai Shishi understood the message Long Chen conveyed through this simple action, and a wave of relief washed over her.

Just then, the world started to shake as the leader of the Heavenly Loather race relied on his horse to charge forward. His aura continued to surge, reaching its peak just before he collided with Feng You.

From this, Long Chen knew that he was definitely an extremely experienced fighter, his mastery over space nearing perfection.

Guo Ran and the others felt their hearts tightened as they saw the unequal confrontation before them. It was undeniably an unfair battle, with the odds stacked two against one.

“If something happens to Junior Sister Feng You, I’ll tear off this bastard’s head and use it as a chamberpot!” exclaimed Guo Ran.

Just then, Bai Xiaole stealthily formed hand seals, but Long Chen gave him a look and shook his head. Bai Xiaole then slowly lowered his trembling hands.

“Little girl, put in some effort. Otherwise, it would be too boring if you died right away! I still want to introduce you to my forty-eight concubines, hahaha!” the leader laughed wildly. With a sudden thrust, his lance surged forward, accompanied by the appearance of glowing runes on him and his horse. Two distinct sets of runes then fused into the lance, transforming it into a weapon capable of crushing the world.

In response, the phoenix behind Feng You let out a resounding cry, unfurling its majestic wings as millions of divine feathers ignited with brilliance. With unwavering resolve, Feng You’s spear surged forth.


One spear and one lance collided under countless gazes, causing countless hearts to tighten.