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Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 262 More Fun And Lively
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That deep taunting voice laughing in his ear, it could only be one person. Henry furrowed his brows in annoyance before he willed his expression into a cold one. Knowing his men were watching him, he tapped an index finger on his arm rest in Morse code:

'I've been had. Tell the others to stand down and wait for my command.'

While they secretly passed the message, he decided to entertain their unwelcome 'guest'. He had never hated technology more than in that moment. He grounded his teeth and glared at the trucks ahead, making up an image of the King and him throwing daggers at him.

The said person laughed in amusement. "No need to be so serious. Your men can talk all they want. I just wanted my alone time with you. That way it's more..... intimate."

"Well, I like pussy", He countered.

"I can't blame you there Henry with a woman like Victoria!" He whistled, probably imagining the beauty of the man's wife.

Henry felt his blood boil, having the urge to crush something. His anger masked the anxiety that had started to build up at the mention of his dear wife. What did this guy know about his family and just how much?

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"Listen to me you little shit, if you dare lay a hand on my-"

"Hey, if anything women are on top of my 'to-do' list. Get it, because I like to do them?" He eagerly waited for Henry's response but the man was not the least bit amused. "Learn to take a joke. Such a bore!" He huffed in annoyance. "Anyway, I come in peace."

He was taken aback. The King comes in peace? "If you're looking to strike a deal-"

"Nothing of that sort. I give you my word! After all, we share a past!"

"A past?" He scoffed. "Where I took down your father? Trust me, I'll easily repeat that part of history, piece of cake."

"I am different", he said through gritted teeth.

Henry smirked, realizing something: he had jabbed at an old wound. Interesting....

"The apple does not fall far from the tree", he taunted.


"Hm", was all Henry said as the other end of the line was nothing but silent except for the heavy breathing. He had really provoked him. Yet it made one wonder, what did his father do to incite such a hatred in him?

He started to think if his estranged relationship with Xavier. The man was glad they had patched things up but he could not help the pity he was starting to feel for the young man. But wait, feelings aside, this was the King he was dealing with. A twisted human being capable and who had done atrocious things that one could not even imagine.

"I am not... my father", he said now regaining composure with what Henry figured was great difficulty. "That.... weakling", he continued with disgust then briefly fell silent before continuing in a much calmer voice.

"Don't ruin my mood, I did say I come in peace. Aren't you curious about what I want to do today? I'm too excited, let me cut to the chase", he let out a sharp breath and excitement quickly replaced the bittter feelings. "I'm here to help you accomplish your mission!"

Henry fell quiet, unable to digest the nonsense spewed. "What?"

"Yes, me helping you catch me", he said with obvious pride.

"You want to help me.... catch you?"

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Even his men could not believe their ears when he voiced out his doubts.

"Yes! Let's make this a little more fun and lively."

"I have no time for your games, we either do this the eas-"

"Easy way: I hand myself in or the 'hard way', you hunt me down even though you'll never succeed? Come on Hot Head, don't be such a bore! Let's switch things up a bit! You love a good challenge, don't you? Now", his tone changed to a serious one. "You want those trucks in front of you and you want me as well, the good news is: as long as you follow those trucks, they will lead you to me. Easy."

"What's the catch?"

"Do you even have to ask? Me! You want to take me down, don't you? I'm not saying you'll succeed but still" He chuckled, making Henry suppress the urge to roll his eyes. "You can at least try, for my amusement at least! So what do you say?"

Henry grunted in annoyance. If he could he could teleport to where the annoying twat was and just- just, 'ughhhhhhhh!' he mused.

The King let out a good laugh, pleased with the reaction he brought out of the older man. "I'll take that as a yes. So, as I was saying, those trucks, besides their drivers, some of them are empty, some have people in them, and some have the goods. All you need to do is guess how many of them contain what I've just mentioned. Failure to do so... this is my favorite part: ka-boom!"

"Ugh!" He took out his earpiece when he heard the annoying laugh that followed. He turned to look at his men who were anxious to hear his orders.

"Here, sir", one agent handed over his earpiece gear. Since he was in the car, he did not need it but Henry would if he needed to convey a message to the other teams and communicate with others outside their mission.

"All teams, let me have your attention. I need you to maintain a safe distance from the trucks and I need the S.W.A.T team and the medics on standby. The King wants to play a game", he shifted in his seat, facing the trucks ahead. His attitude was laid back but there was a twisted look almost pissed off expression on his face when he hooked back on his earpiece in his other ear. "Let's play."

He sniggered, "Good."