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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 586  Inheritance of the Titan Emperor
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Chapter 586  Inheritance of the Titan Emperor

Aodon glared at the intruder inside the shield, he bubbled in rage.

Legolas smirked as he looked back at him. "Remember this…"

"I am the strongest Grade B Summoner alive…"

"…!" Aodon bubbled with even more rage but he could do nothing.

Legolas finally ignored this Titan Immortal.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath.

"Over 40 days…" He muttered to himself.

It took him over 40 days to get to this point.

40 days of fighting against historic beasts, fighting Titanoboas, almost dying to Eodon, going into hiding and stealing abilities for a living.

40 days of hiding and planning his comeback.

40 days of mining Ymir dust.

It all culminated in his showdown against Godon.

Like he vowed after his near-death experience with Eodon, he finally achieved it, he finally did it and killed a f*cking Titan Immortal.

Yet, that was not his greatest achievement.

His greatest achievement was making it to this place.

This was his goal from the very beginning, the inheritance of the Titan Emperor, Legolas felt a relaxing feeling of fulfillment fill his being.

He grinned. "I love winning".

After basking in the feeling of winning, Legolas finally focused.

'I have less than 30 days remaining here…'

His eyes gleamed. 'That should be more than enough time for me to get something out of the Titan Emperor's inheritance'.

'So…, what is it?' He paid attention to the corpse.

At this close range, Legolas felt the majesty of this incredible Titan more.

Even in death, he was a true Gigachad warrior.

He had scars across his body, most probably scars that he gained from his deadly battle against the Emperor of the World Controller Empire.

This was when he also noticed the eyes of the Titan Emperor.

Legolas was stunned. 'Did he lose his eyes in the decisive battle?'

At this moment, in the place of the eyes of this Emperor, what were there instead were simply dark holes that seemed to lead into an infinite space.

Staring at them for long, Legolas began to feel dizzy.

He felt that he would be dragged into an infinite spatial world if he kept on staring at it, he averted his gaze then he observed the Titan him.


Emperor again.

Apart from the dignified look in this Titan Emperor's face despite his lack of eyes at this moment, there was nothing special about him.

No special weapon, not even an hourglass or anything of the sort was attached to this Emperor, his corpse was the only thing here.

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Legolas looked around the confines of the shield, there was truly nothing else, then he focused on the gigantic corpse again.

His eyebrows raised as disappointment set in. "This is the inheritance?"

"The corpse is the inheritance?"

"What can I get from it?"

Legolas took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He refused to believe that his efforts were wasted.

His rationality told him that he was missing something.

'Is this not the inheritance?'

'Is there some other requirement that I need to fulfill to access the actual inheritance?'

'No!' He refused. 'If this was not the inheritance, then why on earth will the reaction of the Titan Immortals be so extreme?'

'They are machines Afterall, I doubt they can fake their feelings enough to fool me, their emotions of rage are definitely genuine'. Legolas inclined his head to look at the angry Titan Immortals again and he confirmed it.

Looking back at the corpse, he frowned.

'But why?' His eyes widened as soon as he asked this question.

'Since the battle to the death between the 2 Emperors of old, the 'What if even the Titan Immortals do not know the true inheritance of the Titan Emperor?'

'But why?' His eyes widened as soon as he asked this question.

'Since the battle to the death between the 2 Emperors of old, the Titan race survived but the same could not be said about the World Controller Empire'.

'The Nak State library records that they became extinct'.

'What if…, they actually never became extinct and rather went into hiding?' Legolas' eyes widened as this thought crossed his head.

'What if hiding his true inheritance from his own Titan Immortals was a precaution to protect it from the claws of the World Controller Empire?'

Legolas' frown deepened. 'It seems to make sense but…, it also doesn't'.

Legolas observed the gigantic corpse again. 'What if the corpse is the true inheritance?'

'What if only a true descendant of the Titan race like Uranus can access it?'

The speculations in his mind were too much, Legolas cursed. 'Foolish Emperor!'

'Why won't he provide a guide to direct his future inheritors of his legacy?'

Legolas was paranoid for some time.

His increased paranoia at this moment was partly due to all the efforts and time he took to arrive here; he didn't want to entertain the thought that everything was just waste in the end.

Another reason for his paranoia was the Titan Immortals.

Having seen him fight before, when the shield finally left, they would be better prepared to face him in battle and not make any mistakes this time.

Unless a miracle happened and he became stronger, he would die.

This was what put him under so much pressure at this moment.

'There must be an inheritance!'

'There must be!'

A few minutes later, Legolas took another deep breath.

He forced himself to calm down again.

Then closing his eyes, he forced himself into a state of meditation.

At this moment, Legolas suddenly felt funny, he remembered over 56 years ago, when he met Christensen and started his very first training under him.

In an island then in Planet Darvis, right after Christensen's mental simulation training to fight an invisible enemy alongside Leo, his first contracted beast.

He could remember vividly his student sitting opposite him.

'The meditation session is very important for your training'.

'Unlike normal humans, superhumans gain even more from meditation'.

'It helps hone concentration, our control over contracted beasts, and it even improves discipline to prioritize and stop certain things like now'.

'When you start meditating to a high enough level, you won't be carried away by your training again. You'll know when to train and when to stop'.

'Remember, rest is also an essential part of training'.

'Most importantly, meditation helps in honing and increasing our Summoner energy, it is the most efficient way to recover and draw in mana'.

'Without learning how to utilize your Summoner energy smartly, you can never become a great Summoner'.

'Now, imitate my actions'. Legolas took the lead for Christensen.

'Yes Master'. Christensen replied respectfully.

Then, he sat down cross-legged before focusing and closing his eyes. Christensen imitated him and they just stayed like that for the next 1 minute.

After a minute, he started speaking again. 'Meditation simply entails forgetting all about the world, forgetting everything and focusing on yourself'.

'When you concentrate on yourself, you'll see things beyond the natural'.

'Do you see anything?'

'No…, not yet…' Christensen tried to focus more then he gasped in shock. 'Yes master, I see something, a white energy covering my abdomen'.

'That is your summoner energy'.

'Through meditation, focus on your energy and try to harness it. Once you do, push it and make it to start revolving in a clockwise direction'.

'This is how superhumans meditate'.

'Yes Master'. Christensen focused and tried doing as he was instructed.

As this memory floated back to Legolas' head, instinctively, a smile came over his face as he started following the same instructions that he gave.

He concentrated fully on himself.

In this state of concentration, a lot of things that his brain normally filtered out automatically started becoming clearer to him.

Legolas saw his summoner energy revolving.

He noticed how big it was now compared to before.

Compared to when he taught Christensen the act of meditation, if his summoner energy then was like a bowl of water, his summoner energy now was akin to a gigantic ocean being encompassed by a bright sun.

It was an incredible sight and experience.

Apart from his summoner energy, Legolas was also able to observe his revolving mental energy.

A normal super could not observe their mental energy, Legolas could only do this at this moment due to gaining the powers of Telekinesis and Telepathy.

These 2 abilities massively improved his mental capacities beyond the normal and was why he was now able to track his mental energy now.

Apart from these 2 energies, Legolas also noticed another energy.

Natural energy…, it was the neutral mana that revolved in the atmosphere.

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The natural neutral mana in his body was very small.

But, as he observed, he could feel a pull.

It was like a drop of water being attracted by the wide ocean out there.

Legolas could not control himself; he followed this pull instinctively as his attention finally left his body alone and went outwards.

Legolas was instantly exposed to an ocean of neutral mana.


They smashed against his small neutral mana with force.

At this moment, he felt like a little rocking boat stuck in a storm.

The surprising thing though was that Legolas did not lose his concentration. Even in this state, surprisingly, he was able to keep his concentration.

He already entered a special state of zone that he could not explain.

In this state, he navigated the ocean of neutral mana.

In that state of meditation, 24 hours passed.

During this time, Legolas kept on observing the 3 distinct energies and finally, he had a breakthrough.

Legolas felt that a dam was just broken in his body.

The flow of neutral mana in the air became clearer to him.

His world seemed to have been a world of gray previously.

But now, he finally upgraded to a world of HD quality.

Everything felt so new and to him.

He was amazed.

His connection to the neutral mana in the air became stronger, and instinctively, Legolas could tell that his self-created abilities that relied on neutral mana like Nature Connection and the others just became stronger.

This unexpected breakthrough did not affect his state of concentration though, instead it made him even more concentrated.

And this was when he discovered it…, a new type of energy.

Legolas was curious and excited.

What type of energy is it this time?

He honed his concentration on this energy and it resisted like a slippery eel, this strange energy proved to be the hardest of all the energies to understand.

Legolas spent 2 full days simply observing this strange energy, of course, he was not conscious of how much time passed since he was so concentrated.

On the 3rd day of his observation, making it the 4th day since he started his meditation, Legolas finally discovered what type of energy that it was.

'Temporal energy!' He exclaimed in his mind.

Temporal energy unlike anything that he ever expected.

He could not tell its origin but there was a river of temporal energy flooding everywhere at this moment.

It was thick, oppressive, and powerful.

Legolas was curious to know its origin, he actively searched for its origin.

He felt that it was close by but he could not detect it immediately.

It took him 5 whole hours but he did it.

Legolas finally detected the origin.

The origin was…, the Titan Emperor!