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Talent Swallowing System

Chapter 464 Marked By The Twin Gods
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"Slave Marker, the reason you are going to die today was for killing my parents Spencer and Mariam."

Leo wanted Jayden to know the reason for his death and mentioned that he was taking revenge for killing his parents 10 years ago.

[Fake Immortal God's bloodline, activate]

Without wasting any time, Leo activated his bloodline.


The host has activated the bloodline. For the next one minute, all his normal and special talents will be upgraded to the peak supreme rank.

[Call of the Lightning - Lightning of the Obliteration]

Leo knew that he should not waste any time for Jayden or his slaves to escape. Therefore, he used the ultimate attack of his powerful special talent.


Soon, a purple-coloured lightning strike descended from the sky and landed on Jayden.





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Since the [Damage Transfer] was still active, the damage from the [Lightning of the Obliteration] was distributed to all the slaves around Jayden depending on their strength.

Unlike before, where Jayden's high-level supreme-ranked slaves used to take the full damage, the damage was huge for the slaves.

Within a few seconds, all the slaves were severely injured, including Jayden who cried in pain along with his slaves before falling to the ground.

'Huh? Parents?'

After falling to the ground, Jayden thought about Leo's words; however, he didn't know who Leo's parents were and for what reason he killed them.

Throughout his journey, Jayden killed countless people both directly and indirectly by himself and his subordinates.

Moreover, it's been more than 10 years since Leo's parents were killed by the City Leader of Phirie City after receiving orders from Jayden.

There was no way for Jayden to remember Leo's parents, much less kill them. Hence, he looked at Leo with a bitter smile.

'Is this what everyone meant by 'Karma is a b*tch' and 'What goes around comes around'?'

Looking at Leo who slowly descended to the ground and started erasing the [Grwoth Enhancing Slave Seals] from his slaves.

'Why? Just why…where…where did it go wrong?'

Jayden felt all his hard work in his entire work was disappearing right in front of his eyes and there was nothing he could do about it.

Even though he asked himself why and where it went wrong, there was no answer to that question.

'Wait a second…why did I even come to fight this monster?'

Suddenly, Jayden realised something as he asked why he wanted to conquer the Floating City in the first place.

'Did this b*stard become the apostle of that b*stard?'

Soon, Jayden thought about the Ancient Voice that gave a task of conquering the Floating City and its city leader.

What's more, the Ancient Voice even helped him find the Floating City and gave him a few trump cards that could stop the Floating City even if it was invisible.

Even though Jayden knew that the city leader was his archnemesis who has the ability to erase the slave seals from their bodies, the Ancient Voice said that the city leader didn't have the ability to special seals like [Growth Enhancing Slave Seals].

Hence, Jayden thought he was fooled by the Ancient Voice and assumed that Leo was the apostle of that Ancient Voice.

'No…these Ancient Voice who were in charge can't have the apostles from the worlds they were in charge of.'

Nevertheless, in the next second, Jayden rejected that thought as he muttered, 'He said that as long as I conquer this Floating City, I won't have any problems in becoming the [World Emperor] of this world.'

'Anyway, there is nothing I can do about it now.'

Jayden saw that Leo had already erased the slave seals from all his slaves and walked towards him with an evil smile.

He didn't try anything because Jayden knew he was not in a position to do anything and hoped that Leo would give him a quick death.

"Do you remember my parents?"

Since Leo had already taken care of all the slaves, he was not worried that Jayden would escape. So, he asked Jayden whether he remembers his parents.

"Keke…I don't know."

There was no regret or remorse on Jayden's face as he replied to Leo with a light chuckle.

"They are the scientists who invented [Seal Resistance Serum] and wanted to develop it further to increase the resistance against the high-level seals. However, they were killed by you."

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Leo was not angry when he heard Jayden's reply because he was already expecting that Jayden won't remember such minor characters in his life just like how Leo won't remember the cannon fodder he killed in his journey.

So, he helped Jayden remember for what reason he killed Leo's parents.

"Oh…them? They are worth killing."

With much difficulty, Jayden replied to Leo with a slight smile as he continued, "If they successfully developed that serum, I would have not made enough money from selling the seals."

"Since there is no [Seal Resistance Serum], my talent became super useful to the secret organization and they became my client who funded me with a lot of hero coins which helped me grow at such a rapid speed…Keke."

While explaining his past, Jayden was proud of his achievements and he continued to tell Leo how he grew step by step.



On the other hand, Leo only listened to the initial part as he quickly became bored and slashed Jayden's throat.

"Everyone has a bullsh*t past in this world. But, from the looks of it, it's been easy for you."

Leo scoffed at Jayden who left his final breath after hearing those words.

Compared to Leo's past where he had to struggle for more than five years inside an underground before receiving the system.

Even after that, it was not easy for him as he was cursed by the [Forbidden Curse] from the slave seal and only after he became a supreme-ranked hero, the curse disappeared.

Along with it, the pain also disappeared, making Leo's body free of pain.


The host killed a Supreme Ranked [Slave Marker].


The host is marked by the [God of the Seals] and the [God of the Slaves] for killing their apsotle.