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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

The next day. Evelyns found herself with an unexpected lunch break without Derek. Derek had left for a

conference meeting without needing her assistance, which meant she had a rare moment of freedom during

office hours.

Deciding to take advantage of it, she stepped out of Derek's office, her mind already drifting towards thoughts of

a quiet cafe where she could decompress

As she closed the door behind her, she heard a familiar voice. Her steps slowed, and her heart clenched

painfully. Sandra was standing there, talking to Derek's secretary. Evelyn's stomach tightened with a mix of

surprise and dread,

Although she had been expecting Sandra's visit from the moment she ran into Michael the first tand she had

been bracing herself since she knew it was inevitable to see Sandra, seeing her now, she couldn't control how

she felt,

Sandra's voice carried a lilting warmth. "I was hoping to catch up with Evelyn. Is she in""

Evelyn's eyes met the secretary's, who glanced her way, and before she could respond, Sandra followed the

secretary's gaze and turned, her face lit up with delight,

"Ah, there she is! Eviel" she exclaimed, her smile broadening as she hurried over.

As Evelyn watched her approach her with that pretentious smile, she wanted nothing but to push her down, but

she couldn't. She had to control her emotions.

way and leave, ignore Sandra like she had done Michael but she couldn't do that either.

She wanted to turn away

She couldn't do anything just yet. She needed to see how far this sly bitch could pretend And she wanted to

gather evidence if she was going to eventually expose them.

As Sandra approached and enveloped her in a bug. Evelyn stood rigid, her arms hanging uselessly at her sides.

The embrace felt like an unwanted Intrusion, a forced act that reopened wounds she lud worked hard to close.

Evelyn's body stiffened, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. Memories and emotions she had buried deep

began to surge.

Thoughts from six years ago, Sandra's mocking voice and that of Michael laughing at her, how she had been

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totally fooled without realizing who Sandra was stirred a lot of negative emotions within her, and even though

she wanted nothing than to slap Sandra hard in the face, and telling her she knew everything, she stood still.

Sandra pulled hack, her smile faltering slightly as she noticed Evelyn's cold response. "I was just asking about

you. I've missed you so much, EvieTM Evelyn forced a tight smile, the effort straining her facial muscles.

"Sandra, she acknowledged, her voice clipped.

Tve been expecting to see you," Evelyn said, not bothering to say anything to Sandra's earlier comment.

"Really?" Sandra asked even though she was doubting that in her mind. "If so, why didn't you bother reaching

out toat least! It's been six years, Evie. Why did you cutoff! If not for Michael. | wouldn't have known you

were back and working her. Sandra said, pretending to feel hurt.

She knew that even though Evelyn was naive, she was no fool and would naturally know Michael had told her

about her working at Stone Corp. "I was trying to settle in first. You look good," she said as she put some

distance between them.

Sandra's eyes searched Evelyn's face, looking for a sign, any sign, that she was welcome. "Yer you visited Rayna

and not me." Sandra said and when Evelyn looked at her in surprise that she knew, she shrugged.

"Don't look so surprised. | called Rayna to catch up with her and she toldyou just left then. Sandra said but

Evelyn said nothing as she wondered if Sandra and Michael were tailing her. "Can we talk? | was hoping we could

catch up over lunch," she said softly, her tone tinged with hope.

Evelyn's heart pounded, a storm of conflicting emotions brewing within her. The anger and resentment she had

bottled up for so long threatened to spill over. She swallowed hard, her throat tight. "I don't see why not, seeing

as you've call the way here to see me, Evelyn said and Sandra nodded.

Sandra linked her arm through Evelyn's, guiding her toward the elevator. "Thank you. | can't wait to catch up

with you." Sandra said excitedly while Evelyn remained lent

As they rode the elevator down, Evelyn's mind raced as Sandra chattered endlessly about work. Evelyn stared at

the numbers descending, feeling Trapped. She couldn't wait for the doors to open and release her from this

suffocating proximity.

Coer ooturle, they found a small cafe nearby. Sandra chose a quiet table by the window, and they sat down.

Evelyn could feel the tension in her own lealy, every minele tint with uprave. She wanted to be anywhere but


11.28 AM

Chapter 20

Although Evelyn had been hungry earlier, she didn't have any appetite to eat in Sandra's presence, and instead,

she ordered iced coffee while Sandra ordered a burger and a can of Coke.

*So, where are you staying? And why are you not coming hyet?" Sandra asked after they had gotten their


"Because | have no plans of coming home. | guess you're still close to Michael." Evelyn said watching Sandra

closely. She had purposely

y mentioned Michael, wanding to see how well Sandra could hide her claws in front of her.

tre really

I" :

Yeah. Michael was really

heartbroken when you called off

things. We just copy thi Bf,

yQu KnoWXWhat happened, Evie! You

were excited about marrying him.


What changed?" Sandra asked and

Evelyn snorted, unable to hold it. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Seeing this Sandra frowned. "What Did he do something?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's talk about something else," Evelyn said and Sandra nodded.

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I" ' q

Okay. Let's talk about something

f q

else. So, what's this | hear Peytred

working gt Gropovietefr in an

: : : "

inftefView with Derek Stone?" Sandra

asked, and Evelyn smiled. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

"It's exactly as you heard," she said, suspecting that this was the reason Sandra had visited her.

"I'm curious about something. How did you convince Derek to do the interview!" Sandra asked and Evelyn


I" f : | :

| don't think that's something |

should be telling Ty dom} you

H n : 1

Roh Ryalynishid nd Sandra's

heart skipped a beat. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there! y