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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

Sandra wore a satisfied smile as she drove toward the Golden Lotus Restaurant, where she was meeting Derek's

mother for lunch. Michael had arranged the meeting now that Mrs. Stone had decided to make Sandra her


She still couldn't believe their plan was finally coming together. Soon enough, she would be marrying Derek

Stone, just as she and Michael had planned

However, as thoughts of their plan crossed her mind, Sandra's smile faltered, replaced by a scowl. Michael had

informed her that their attempt to have Evelyn fired had failed. It seemed Derek trusted Evelyn more than they

anticipated, and he was actively seeking ways to prove her innocence

The idea that Evelyn was still in the picture, knowing about her and Michael's relationship, left Sandra feeling

uneasy. Although they had agreed. not to meet at Michael's place anymore and to keep their communications to

the phone, Sandra knew they had to find a way to eliminate Evelyn as a threat. Otherwise, she might expose

their affair and ruin everything.

How could she get rid of Evelyn Sandra mused as her mind raced. She prided herself on being ahead of the

game, but now the tables were turning. She needed to neutralize the threat Evelyn posed, and fast.

The first step was keeping an eye on Evelyn, which meant finding out where she lived and learning the details of

her life. Sandra's eyes narrowed as she recalled that her mother seemed close to Evelyn. Maybe her mother was

the key she needed to regain control of the situation.

Satisfied with her new plan, Sandra pushed thoughts of Evelyn from her mind. She needed to focus on making a

good impression today.

Winning over Mrs. Stone was crucial if she wanted to secure her place in Derek's life and push Evelyn out for


She believed winning Derek's heart would be easy; after all, she had always had her way with men. Derek would

be no exception-she just needed access to him, and only his mother could grant her that, Sandra pulled into the

parking lot of the Golden Lotus Restaurant, a place known for its elegance and exclusivity.

As she stepped out of the car, she reached into the backseat for the gift she had carefully selected for Mrs.

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Stone-a delicate silk scarf. She knew the older woman would appreciate it, given her known fondness for scarves.

Taking a deep breath, Sandra smoothed down her dress and made her way into the restaurant.

A hostess greeted her at the entrance and escorted her t

er to the private dining area where Mrs. Stone was waiting.

As Sandra approached the table, Derek's mother rose to greet her, a warm smile lighting up her face.

"Sandra, dear, it's such a pleasure to finally meet you properly," Mrs. Stone said, pulling Sandra into a hug

"Mrs. Stone, it's an honor to be here. | brought this for you," Sandra said, handing over the gift.

"Oh, dear. You didn't have to." Mrs. Stone said as she received the gift from her.

"lI wanted to. | hope you like it," Sandra said, watching the woman with a smile.

Mrs. Stone's eyes lit up as she unwrapped the scarf. "Oh, Sandra, this is lovely. You have such exquisite taste,"

she said with approval.

"I'm glad you like it. | thought it would suit you" Sandra replied, pleased with her reaction

"It's perfect. Thank you. Please sit," Mrs. Stone said as she gestured to Sandra to sit down. "I took the liberty to

order our real while waiting for you. | hope you don't mind

"Not at all," Sandra said as they took their seats.

As if on cue, the waiters cin with the order, the aroma of the food was tantalizing, and Sandra couldn't help

but comment. "The food smells delicious.

"Trust me, it tastes even better," Mrs. Stone said with a smile.

The conversation flowed easily as they ate. Sandra was careful to be polite and attentive, listening closely as

Mrs. Stone spoke about Derek, their family, and her hopes for his future. Sandra played her part perfectly,

nodding in agreement and adding thoughtful comments when appropriate. She also spoke about her admiration

for Derek, and how much she had always looked forward to hearing Michael's stories of him.

Mrs. Stone was completely taken in by Sandra's act, her smile growing as she listened. "You know, when Michael

first suggested matching you and Derek, | was skeptical, considering your close relationship with her," Mrs.

Stone wrinkled her nose with disgust as though she couldn't stand the



Chapter 60

thought of Evelyn.

Sandra felt a flicker of triumph but kept her expression concerned and bowed her head as she set down her

cutlery, "I understand how you feel. I'm very sorry for the troubles and embarrassment my sister has caused

your family," she said softly as if torn.

"You don't have to apologize for her. | know your family does not approve of her behavior. As a matter of fact, |

heard all about her actions at your parents' anniversary and how she treated you." Mrs Stone said and Sandra

looked up at her with tears in her eyes.

I" :

She was not always this way. | have

no idea how she becthis suk of

person, but the Evelyn knéw was

eR have hope that she will

change, Sandra said and Mrs Stone

smiled. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"| can't believe how sweet and pure-hearted you are to be making excuses for her despite what she did to you.

You would make a wonderful wife for Derek, Mrs Stone said with approval.

Sandra's heart swelled with satisfaction. Thank you, ma'am. It means a lot to hear you say that."

"CallRebecca, my dear. You're going to be my daughter-in-law and we are going to get along just fine," she

said and Sandra smiled shyly.

"Thank you, Rebecca"

Mrs. Stone studied Sandra for a moment, and then her expression softened. Tellmore about yourself,


Sandra nodded and launched into a well-rehearsed story she had prepared, telling Mrs. Stone all she knew she

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wanted to hear and painting herself as the perfect daughter-in-law,

As their lunch cto an end, Mrs.

Stone reached across the table and

| '

patted Sandra's hand. I'm $0 glagwe

had tiie torgéond each

f 9 2

ond Sandra Let's do this again,

perhaps shopping together or at the


spa. I've always wanted a daughter


and I'm glad | get to have one when

[1 :

you marry Derek," The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Sandra smiled warmly, pleased with how well the meeting had gone. Thank you, Rebecca. | look forward to

seeing you again.”

After saying their goodbyes, Sandra

walked back to her car, a yatedil

smile on her fage.Tmhecting ad


a a as she hoped. Derek's

mother was now firmly on her side, a

major victory. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!