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The Lucky Wife Reborn In the 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability

Chapter 83
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83 Chapter 82, Certificate of Honor

“First place, Xu Lili, 98 points in Chinese, 100 points in math, 100 points in English.”

“Second place...”


In the fourth grade, the teacher-in-charge kept reading from first place to fifth place. Then he stopped and looked around the classroom before continuing, “Sixth place, Ji Ziang, 97 points in Chinese, 100 points in Math, 98 points in English.”

Ji Zi’ang heard his results, but he did not look surprised.

He seemed to have known for a long time, and there was a hint of pride on his face.

After the homeroom teacher finished reading Ji Zi’ang’s results, he was not in a hurry to read the next one.

He cleared his throat, he said, “This semester, the student who improved the most in our class is Ji Zi’ang. He went from last place last semester to sixth place this semester. This can not be done without Ji Zi’ang’s hard work. I hope that everyone will follow Ji Zi’ang’s example. With him as our goal, we will strive to learn.”

This was the first time Ji Zi’ang had been praised so much by the teacher, causing his little face to blush.

After the homeroom teacher gave him an appreciative look, he continued to read out the rest of the results.

After reading out the results, he began to hand out Certificates of Honor. Starting from the first place, they went up to the podium one by one to receive their own Certificates of Honor.

When it was Ji Zi’ang’s turn, the homeroom teacher placed the two Certificates of Honor in Ji Zi’ang’s hands.

Ji Zi’ang was just about to turn around and leave when the homeroom teacher said, “Wait a moment.”

Ji Zi’ang turned around and looked at the homeroom teacher in surprise.

The homeroom teacher took a bag from the ground and placed it in Ji Ziang’s hands, “You’ve performed very well this year. This is the teacher’s reward for you. When you reach the fifth grade, you must continue to work hard, understand?”

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The bag was blue and had the image of a small bear printed on it.

Ji Zi’ang swallowed his saliva and bowed to the homeroom teacher, “Thank you, Teacher.”

When Ji Zi’ang returned to his seat, his deskmate looked at him strangely.

Originally, they were all the same, a lazybones. However, he suddenly turned around and even become a successful student. Doesn’t that make them, lazybones, especially lazy?

Ji Zi’ang looked at the certificate and bag in his hand and was so happy that he did not notice his deskmate’s expression at all.

“When we reach the fifth grade, we can’t be deskmates anymore...” At this moment, Ji Zi’ang’s deskmate said leisurely.

Only then did Ji Zi’ang come back to his senses and his face was full of confusion, “Huh? Why?”

He quite liked his teammate he always has new and interesting things.

“Because you’re a good student and I’m a bad student. Good students and bad students can’t be deskmates,” The deskmate said leisurely.

Ji Zi’ang blinked his eyes, “Who said that? I want to be deskmates with you.”

Naturally, the deskmate did not take Ji Zi’ang’s words to heart. He just took it as a casual remark.

After all the awards had been distributed, the class teacher organized the students to clean up the classroom before leaving school.

It was only slightly past four o’clock. When the three of them returned home, Li Xu had already left with Li Zhiming and Liu Guihua.

Although he was a little disappointed to not see Li Xu, Ji Zi’ang still put the two certificates on the dining table in high spirits. He said to Ji Yuanyuan proudly, “Yuanyuan, your sweets for the second half of the year are all mine.”

Ji Yuanyuan went up to take a look. One was a Triple-A Student Award, and the other was the Best Improvement Award.

She nodded her head in satisfaction and waved her hand in satisfaction, “All for you.”

Ji Zi’ang happily held the certificate and returned to his room.

He had to think carefully about what gifts he wanted to ask Uncle Zhang. Also, his mother, Second Uncle, Aunt, and Grandparents had to give him gifts.

When Li Xu and the other two returned home, it was already six o’clock in the evening.

As soon as they entered, Ji Zi’ang went up to Li Xu and showed her the certificates.

Li Xu flipped the certificate over and over several times before she finally believed that Ji Zi’ang had finally gotten the certificates.

This was something that she did not even dare to think about half a year ago. Now, it had actually come true.

Around 7 pm, Zhang Kun also came over.

Ji Zi’ang naturally showed off quite a bit and received another round of praise from Zhang Kun.

“Uncle Zhang, I have to think about the gift. Don’t rush me,” Ji Zi’ang said very proudly.

Zhang Kun patted Ji Zi’ang’s head with pride, “Okay.”

Li Miao’s exam lasted for three days. These three days had exhausted Li Xu and Li Zhiming.

On the night of the third day, the three of them waited at the school gate to help Li Miao move all her stuff home.

After moving all her stuff, Li Miao could relax for a while. The results would be out around the end of July, and then she would start to fill out her application to the university. Around the middle of August, the school’s admission notice would be sent to her home.

In the evening, Li Zhiming, Liu Guihua, and Li Miao all stayed at Li Xu’s place.

Li Xu’s room was given to the old couple, and the two sisters and Ji Yuanyuan shared a room.

After being highly nervous, Li Miao suddenly relaxed and could not fall asleep.

Li Xu had been exhausted for the past few days. She fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow.

Ji Yuanyuan nestled in Li Miao’s arms and quietly asked, “Auntie, how did you do on the exam?”

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After Li Miao returned, no one had asked this question for fear of making Li Miao unhappy.

After Ji Yuanyuan finished asking, Li Miao chuckled and said in a low voice, “Auntie has tried her best. It should be okay.”

Seeing that Li Miao’s mood was alright, Ji Yuanyuan knew that the exam this time should be stable.

Ji Yuanyuan reached out his small hand and patted Li Miao’s back. He comforted her softly, “Aunty, as long as you try your best, you will definitely be able to get into university.”


Li Miao looked at Ji Yuanyuan who was like a little adult and suddenly thought of a question. She asked, “In these few days, has your father come to look for you?”

Although Li Miao had been taking the exams these past few days, he was still thinking about this matter.

After all, Ji Jianguo was rich now, and he would be the same as before.

If he really made up his mind to fight with Li Xu for custody of these children, the matter might really be a little troublesome.

In the darkness, Ji Yuanyuan curled his lips and said, “No!”

Hearing this, Li Miao frowned. What exactly does this Ji Jianguo want to do? After saying those harsh words, there was no movement?

Thinking about it, Li Miao actually fell asleep very quickly.

The next morning, after breakfast, Li Zhiming and Liu Guihua had to go back to the countryside.

There was a lot of work in the fields now. Because of Li Miao’s college entrance exam, they had already delayed it for three days. If they didn’t go back, the crops in the fields would turn yellow.

Li Miao didn’t go back. Now that her college entrance exam was over, she wanted to find a job in the county.

After a summer vacation, she could at least earn a few hundred Yuan.


If she could really get into university, then she would have the tuition fees for that semester.

Li Zhiming and Liu Guihua also supported Li Miao’s decision.

The child had already grown up and needed to share some of the pressure for the family.