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Void Evolution System

Chapter 194: Auction [6]
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Zara's bloodline had been a mystery since their very first meeting. Just the fact that the Damien at that time had no desire to devour her was a miracle in itself:

But even after all these years, Damien had found no clues regarding it. It's not that he didn't look, since he had actually done an ample amount of research while on Apeiron, it was just that he was legitimately unable to find any information regarding it.

He had seen characteristics of all the wolf bloodlines the Adelaire Empire had documented during the 6 months he spent there before leaving to earth, but none of them matched Zara's.

He was of the mind to go visit the Beast Empress to maybe glean something off of her, since she showed some kind of understanding and even said she felt a connection to Zara when they first met, but the constraints of time never allowed that meeting to happen.

It was all but guaranteed that he had to make a trip back to Apeiron at some point. There were many events lined up in the near future that prevented him from doing so immediately, but he swore he'd find the time.

Plus, he still had to bind Apeiron's world core. It was an imperative task that he had idiotically forgotten about. And by the time he realized it, he was too far away to do anything about it.

Perhaps he could warp to Apeiron to do what he needed to do, but as he figured before, there was simply no time at the moment. He just had to remember the importance of doing so and hope there'd be an opening in the future.

'Sigh, I really need to learn how to not be led around by my emotions.'

While he was in his thoughts, the bidding for the Death Seed had already begun. And it had to be said, the battle was much fiercer than any of the other items.

It seemed the flowery words and empty compliments Fairy Lin had given it beforehand had truly spurred the crowd. Even with the base price of the treasure being five million spirit stones, there were very few who didn't participate in the bidding.

Even those in the normal seats pooled their money together to get their hands on the treasure. It was as if they no longer cared to give face to those powerhouses occupying the private rooms.

"10 million spirit stones from me!"

"Old ghost, don't try to steal away my treasures! 11 million!"

"Hah? Wan Luo, do you think I wouldn't recognize you? First, check if you have the qualifications to compete with me! 15 million!"

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These two were occupying adjacent private rooms, and seemed to have turned the bidding war into their own personal show. Everyone even stopped their objections just to watch it unfold.

After all, they didn't need to constantly bid to win the treasure. They could simply bide their time until these two finished their fiasco and then continue.

"Old ghost, give me some face here. I'll be sure to compensate you handsomely. 16 million."

"Wan Luo, you still have a world of potential in front of you. Don't lead yourself to an early death. 17 million."

"Are you threatening me?" Wan Luo growled.

"Hmph, if you can't even tell that much, then maybe you should give up your position as Head Elder."

"Damn Old ghost!" Wan Luo cursed. It wasn't that he didn't have the money to continue, but he was well aware of the power difference between the two of them. He had lived for hundreds of years already. He had long since learned when to advance and retreat.

"30 million."

Suddenly, a deep voice pervaded the auction hall. Even if it came from one of the private rooms, it rang in the ears of everyone present as if the speaker was standing directly next to them.

"Hey, isn't that…"

"Yeah, there's no way we could mistake him for anyone else…"

"That terrifying aura can truly only belong to him…"

The attention of all present was directed towards the private room that sat in the middle of all the rest, the one with the best view in the entire house. Even if the person occupying it hadn't consciously released his aura, just the power in his words alone was enough to strike fear into the hearts of those who heard it.

"Sigh, Fellow Daoist can take this one. There are plenty of other ways for me to gain strength. The Burning River Sect concedes."

"It's the same for me. Our sect has a firm foundation and plentiful resources. The loss of a single treasure isn't that big of a deal. The Autumn Wind Abode concedes!"

"Same to me, the Crimson Cathedral concedes."

"The Lustful Fairy Sect concedes…"

Many of the guests in the private room have up the auction one by one. They harbored endless grievances in their hearts, but there was no way they could voice them out. That was the level of influence the Eclipsing Shadow Sect Leader held.

"The bid of 30 million spirit stones comes from the guest in private room #1! Is there anyone willing to raise the price?" Fairy Lin asked, though it was evident she expected the auction to end here.

"Very well then, if there are no new bids, the Death Seed goes to—"

"40 million."

A new voice came from one of the private rooms on the outer edge. Judging from the tone alone, it was clear that it was a youngster who had spoken.

"What? Someone dares to compete with something the Sect Master wants?"

"That guy is simply courting death!"

Damien naturally overheard all their voices, but he said nothing else. His attention was entirely focused in the direction of the first private room.

"50 million." A reply came softly. Still, the slight hint of rage in the voice couldn't be hidden.

But Damien didn't care at all. Without hesitation, he doubled the price.

"100 million spirit stones."

With the amount of money he received from Tian Yang, he could still double the price once more and have a good amount remaining, so he had no fear of losing here.

"Young lad, are you sure you want to do this?" The opposing side questioned. The voice was contemptuous, and it was evident he was warning Damien.

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Yet, Damien once again paid it no mind. "This is an auction, isn't it? If I want something, I will naturally bid on it."


"Very well. If that is the path you chose to take, so be it. You can blame nobody but yourself for the consequences of your actions."

The Eclipsing Shadow Sect Leader was a man who didn't take any disrespect, let alone a blatant slap to his face such as this one.

But he wasn't an idiot. Who didn't know that he was the most powerful person present here? Who didn't know that he was someone who could commit atrocities without batting an eye?

This wasn't the righteous path. Regardless of his status, regardless of his power level, he had no qualms with crushing an ant if it slighted him.

And what need was there to waste money? If the other party wanted to grab the Death Seed, he'd allow them to take it. The only question was how long they could hold onto it before it inevitably fell into his hands.

"T-then, that settles it! The Death Seed goes to esteemed guest in private room #16 for 100 million spirit stones!"

There was no raucous applause or excitement within the audience, only mockery towards the idiot who offended such a massive figure.

Without suspense, an attendant entered Damien's room with the vial holding the Death Seed in hand, and judging by Zara's barely controlled reaction, he was sure it was authentic.

"Honored guest, please submit your payment before I give you your item."

Damien nodded and tossed over a spatial ring containing the entire 100 million spirit stones. The attendant quickly grabbed it and did a sweep with his consciousness, confirming the contents within.

"Thank you for your patronage, esteemed guest. Please be careful with the item, as you can never be too sure about what will happen in the future." The attendant cast a meaningful look towards Damien, handing him the vial before exiting the room.

"So this is the Death Seed, huh." He murmured. He was well aware of the connotation of the attendant's words. Even the man he had offended hinted at what he would do, so only a dunce wouldn't understand.

Nevertheless, Damien was still fearless. It wasn't groundless confidence, it wasn't even confidence in himself. There was no way for Damien to resist even a normal 4th class, so how would he resist the strongest one present?

Damien's confidence stemmed from his master, and the talismans he had given them before they set out. With them, he was assured of his escape.

He was assured of his escape, so why was it that no matter how much mana he and Ruyue injected into the talismans, they wouldn't activate?